
Is achievement an illusion?

by  |  earlier

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why do some ppl pursue it and are successful while some are not and end up discouraged and lose hope end up homeless or work in a job paying peanuts and live like peasants in rags. and how can i achieve success




  1. with every achievement comes sacrifice- i have sacrificed a lot to be where i am today. perhaps some are not willing to sacrifice it all to be on top. OR they make a wrong decision- business is a very volatile environment- even if you do all the things you think are right you can still end up hitting rock bottom. The way to success is hard work-dedication-sacrifice and the will to keep driving until you achieve what YOU feel is your success- even if you fall a few times it's those that get up and keep pushing to the fullest that make it. For a real example- check out Donald Trumps story

  2. achievement is a illusion

    i got a eg

    i attended a exam national wide

    i didnt prepare 4 it

    its a general knowledge quiz

    funniest part

    i know that tommorow is exam only today

    but i attended it

    miracle i got nationalwide third

    u cud check it

    rank holders

    its miracle

  3. Achievment to me is the ultimate high.  It is acquired only through strict confidence and patience.  It is not an illusion.

  4. Success, like happiness, is all relative and subjective to each individual.

  5. it can be. its all in the eye of the beholder.

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