
Is acting even an option?

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So I have no formal training in acting. I have however grown up my whole life doing plays at church etc. Everyone seems to be taken back by my obvious talent. I love acting, but I didn't want to do it high school because everyone in theatre creeps me out. I was just wandering if it is even possible to ever be an actress in a major motion picture. I mean I'm not looking to be famous or anything, maybe just a few small roles here and ther. If so, what do you have to do? How are auditions? etc.




  1. Yeah I don't do theatre in my school because 90% of them are evil snobs and 9% are cconceitedbrats.

    Basically this is what I did, I did like 3 or 4 plays from ages 10-13..

    Then when I turned 14 i went to an audition for hsm1 but didn't get it, then i went back for hsm2 got that and then went back for hsm3 got that...then camp rock... got that...So pretty much it was kinda luck.....After those little things, i started doing A LOT of stuff in my town and created a buzz about myself, and agents started asking about me...So, I just got signed to an agency like last monday...then I went to L.A for a few weeks too meet with casting directors and one of them gave cesd recomdation for me...

    So my advice is too start SMALL then just work your butt off TRUST ME it PAYS OFF!

    check out the sag website with union agents

    Also, check your state's Film office website you can find about auditions there that helps a lot with creating local buzz about you, if you get a part in one of your states movie you could get the local news/newspaper to do a story about you, thats what I did....

  2. You said yourself that "everyone in theatre creeps [you] out;" so I would certainly suggest not trying to be a performer for that very reason.

    You say that everyone is "taken back by [your] obvious talent;" is that narcissism, self-delusion, or the truth? A lot of people believe themselves to be good actors, but they are far from it.

    Here's the speil...



    Above all, you have to be commited to it; not lazy, not passive, not disinterested. LEARN your lines, DO the work to breakdown the script, the character, and the scenes, GET serious about auditions.



    Develop legitimate acting skills by going to a legitimate school for actors - That is, a real FILM or THEATRE school, with real instructors who hold degrees, diplomas, or certificates from RECOGNISED schools, and who have worked in the industry. This means -NOT- "Miss Mary's Acting School for Young Ladies" run out of her basement, but more like the University of Florida, or a junior college. This will get you EXPOSURE by being on-stage in a semi-professional environment, and get you around people who can connect you to television auditions and film auditions.



    Not every movie and TV show in existence is filmed in Hollywood. By staying connected to people in your city who are in the industry, showing RESPECT and APPRECIATION for them, and making an effort to follow up on each and every audition.



    You're never going to get cast for every role you audition for; but you'll gain experience from each audition you go through. You'll learn from your mistakes, meet people in the indutry, and have people learn your face... And being remembered is half the battle.



    If you want to fail, get your headshots done at JC Penny or Wal-Mart. When you're there, get them done against the "starry night sky" background, that's the best one.

    Stop by a theatre or film department at a university or college. Ask their secretary if the department has a recommended photographer they use for headshots. If other actors are using him/her, there must be a reason for it. Otherwise, flip open the phone book and start looking under "Photographers." Call them up, check out what they do, and be willing to pay a reasonable amount for their skill and time.

    And finally, AVOID dodgy modelling and talent agencies. You don't need an agent until you have the SKILL, the EXPOSURE, and the EXPERIENCE to justify it... Otherwise they just take your money and sweep you under the carpet.

  3. Nothing happens overnight...! Being famous is not the key point... the key point is to be an artist. Just pursue it, perform, perform, perform, in any possible play to get seen by as many people possible... You also have to identify a style that you want. A person, group, or company that really make you think "I want to do that". Find a way to  practice with their technique (and i said practice, besides study). practice is finally what will get you on stage in a solid way. Make yourself clear if you want either a JOB or an artistic activity that will make you happy. Being notorious is not necessary being talented, or, even worse, it will make you compromise many ethical things that you might not like to do or act in plays that you dont really like. The commercial circuit not always cross roads with the pure artistic lane, so you have to be focused in what you deeply wish. Welcome! Best of luck

  4. sometimes you just have deal with other people! a cast is nothing! unless everyone3 works together. if one person is slacking off it can ruin a show. for now i suggest you continue in theater if you really want to be an actress... get an agent who can help lift you up outta theater and land you a role in hollywood. not ALl people in theater are weird although i can admit many of us are.good luck and i hope io helped!!

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