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Hello everyone. I just happen to come across this site and I am more than surprised what some of you SEEM to know about Joe Penny. I've known him personally for many years and I can answer the question - whether he is married - with absolute certainty. He is NOT married and has no children.
He assures to keep his private life private -- and that's his ligit right. I hope I could settle this once and for all !!!
Report (2) (0) | 11 years ago
AUTHENTIC TRUST Absolutely authentic information from Los Angeles from the true manager of actor Joe Penny Who was offended by all the attacks that the actor suffered in France, which are identical to those in the United States. I site: Mr. Joe PENNY Actor is a married man for 23 years and many a legitimate son by his 21-year marriage that occurred in the late 80's, it is only one woman agree. The actor is very upset that we put food in his private life and all those who call themselves his admirers gossip lying on his person and have no right to admire and even less to do Internet sites or blogs even false personal about him. On the other hand, the person who works in the section EBAY USA photography and pagination of recent photos of Mr. Joe PENNY each new share auction is not a woman but a man known to all the American talent agencies. Many American and Americans know the truth about the actor Joe Penny is to say he has a good family life with his wife and a child for a very long time if his marital status is never appeared on the Internet because it was judged that it was nobody's. It is primarily a discreet man. During his life he never divorced, never had a girlfriend named PL painter and never had an illegitimate child. He lived a marital and marital past 23 years and that you can not change it, about his own mother he never meddle in its affairs and arts has never been caught in photos with her to her public, you prefer to believe your own truth based on false rumors, hearsay or ... stop you ladies tell stories as big as your lies. There is no way to express your side because it is useless we are familiar with Mr. Penny and his manager and we all know more than you and your fellow American hysterical DMJPADLPSL.USACALIFORNIA
Report (0) (0) | earlier
AUTHENTIC TRUST Absolutely authentic information from Los Angeles from the true manager of actor Joe Penny Who was offended by all the attacks that the actor suffered in France, which are identical to those in the United States. I site: Mr. Joe PENNY Actor is a married man for 22 years and many a legitimate son by his 20-year marriage that occurred in the late 80's, it is only one woman agree. The actor is very upset that we put food in his private life and all those who call themselves his admirers gossip lying on his person and have no right to admire and even less to do Internet sites or blogs even false personal about him. On the other hand, the person who works in the section EBAY USA photography and pagination of recent photos of Mr. Joe PENNY each new share auction is not a woman but a man known to all the American talent agencies. Many American and Americans know the truth about the actor Joe Penny is to say he has a good family life with his wife and a child for a very long time if his marital status is never appeared on the Internet because it was judged that it was nobody's. It is primarily a discreet man. During his life he never divorced, never had a girlfriend named PL painter and never had an illegitimate child. He lived a marital and marital past 22 years and that you can not change it, about his own mother he never meddle in its affairs and arts has never been caught in photos with her to her public, you prefer to believe your own truth based on false rumors, hearsay or ... stop you ladies tell stories as big as your lies. There is no way to express your side because it is useless we are familiar with Mr. Penny and his manager and we all know more than you and your fellow American hysterical DMJPADLPSL.USACALIFORNIA
Response to the person who hides under the number Guest22580752 I do not know makes you waste your time telling of the horrors, the United States know everyone thinks I am. Turn yourself on your site and remove everything you've marked on FALSE Actor Joe Penny, you're the laughingstock of all Americans and all U.S. personnel on your website the actor is an insult and sounds fake ... He did not and has never had a girlfriend in his life ok. He's definitely been married for 22 years and has a son 20 years legitimate. When the two women you're referring to, he did not know and has never had any connection with any of them or did you find that Mr. Joe's own mother was with him when PENNY a session of English classes .... Joe never did ask her mother to come with him in a public place or she would risk to be uncomfortable because it ... never wish and wanted ... Joe is a very good man and for him who says anything about him are not worthy to enjoy it. The person you take for her mother is an admirer who is worthy of being. You see I know that YOU and your friends who fantasize about day and night about a man finally married and happy to be in his private life with wife and child. I know all Americans and U.S. with my husband and I lived more in the U.S. for ten years and we already work with his manager on site in Los Angeles when you're very poor position to judge me before we went home in France and we continue to work for him in France in our agency with his manager every day year after year, if he had we do not need you, because you know you're a champion in the lie. By the way you talk about just who are you to believe that everyone PL Exists and am saying that she is the girlfriend of Joe, so it's very weird, it's always his own wife who is blonde as we see him in the street and in this kind of output ... another time she works on EBAY for recent photos of Joe, the next time she is a painter and lives in LOS ANGELES course not counting all the messages that you have it on your blog or you get movies with JOE course and who only come to your mind because it HAS YOU! There is no question that I continue to be insulted BY YOU. Have you ever heard the word DISCREET, apparently you do not know what that means .... if you leave us alone Mr. JOE PENNY. JOE has always protected his wife, I say "his wife" because IT IS WELL with him and his son 20 years, if you are an admirer of the player instead to peddle gossip to fill you first but then you do not want to because you banish all the people who tell you the TRUTH the unvarnished truth about the actor because you prefer LYING ON HIM as is comfortable seeing what will your next lie next time. .. In the range you would be a tragedy perfect actress. Mr. Joe PENNY just been made aware of your actions on his person and he is very angry.
AH YES THEN WE ARE ALL A group of admirers JOE PENNY AND WE NEVER HAVE ACTED IN NO WAY IS THE READING ABONINABLE thing. We support you and support you ALWAYS JOE .... THESE WOMEN SHOULD HAVE CUT THE TONGUE AND YOUR HANDS .... SHAME TO KEEP YOU ON A SCANDALOUS ABOUT PLAYER WHO IS ABOVE ALL A GOOD MAN ...Guest11243764 Guest20912533 Guest21110129 Guest21197746 Guest22091264 Guest22233109 Guest22252832 Guest22440306 Guest22447501 Guest22449449 Guest22580752
You really are just wasting your time. No one in the USA believes you. Go back to your french website, you can pretend all you want there. I don't know why you pretend but whatever makes you happy, just understand that although you are disillusional doesn't mean anyone else is. He is not married and the girlfriend does exist. As for having a 20 year old son, there were rumors many years ago of a love child. JP never acknowledged or denied such rumors, so he may actually exist but not through a marriage. As for the two women in the background of the Hollywood Show video having no relation to JP. You're wrong again. The brunette is definitely his gf and heard that the blonde older women who several fans met and said had an english as in British accent is his mother. His girlfriend (the same one that is in the video) was with him at the celebrity shoot he participated in in August. Do you seriously think you know more about him in France than people who live in the USA?
AH YES THEN WE ARE ALL A group of admirers JOE PENNY AND WE NEVER HAVE ACTED IN NO WAY IS THE READING ABONINABLE thing. We support you and support you ALWAYS JOE .... THESE WOMEN SHOULD HAVE CUT THE TONGUE AND YOUR HANDS .... SHAME TO KEEP YOU ON A SCANDALOUS ABOUT PLAYER WHO IS ABOVE ALL A GOOD MAN ...Guest11243764 Guest20912533 Guest21110129 Guest21197746 Guest22091264 Guest22233109 Guest22252832 Guest22440306 Guest22447501 Guest22449449
For those who do not want to understand and live in a world of dreams and illusions about ACTOR JOE PENNY ... It's the truth Mr. JOE PENNY actor has a life of 54 years MARITAL AND 22 YEARS OF MARRIAGE and a legitimate son of 20 years ABSOLUTELY. I forbid you to all those ladies who do not believe that this message is genuine and authentic. This is enough to drag in the mud: The actor himself and his French team who works with his team so that California LOS ANGELES by insulting them and treating them all the names .... If you continue in this LADIES I'll feel obliged to surcharge this page Needless TO INFRINGE THE PRIVACY Mr JOE PENNY. The messages that announce that it is indeed MARY and are REAL JUST .... is our insistence Mr. JOE PENNY needs no false advertising from you who do not know what you speak. He is married and a father, never said he was still single or divorced, and he still sought the love of his life from his own mouth and never mentioned a girlfriend painter having as initial PL. You do not know what is discretion, you do not know what it means for an actor revered him as far from LIVE IN PEACE AS YOU CRAZY .... You are stupid and vile, and your words full of bitterness cruelly hurt people who work for him and that rubs every day. You do not need to know everything about this man who wants to live in quiet peace in his family by not asking anybody anything. Passages on YOU TUBE videos are cut true and then clarified by their service so these comedies Stop child. You do not know anything about her marriage occurred in 1988, everything is the Mayor of Los Angeles and serving Weddings there not divulge any information if it is not the family of the person concerned ... IF you continue to leave derogatory comments and disrespectful to the man I am obliged to take appropriate action. In fact regarding the site HIMSILF there is nothing about the actor JOE PENNY therefore no false evidence ... ALGJPSL
Oh my good stop this nonsense. Joe Penny is not married
Report (1) (0) | earlier
For BS and some people who have trouble accepting the truth about Mr. JOE PENNY, yes he is married for 22 years and has a son 20 years, there is no question what it is like that everything. The actor does not need anyone to live their lives as they see fit and has always protected his wife and son all those nasty and hysterical able to hurt them. Especially as his married life is nobody's business while he was out of question for the actor to see him in public with his wife and son and even less he speaks in interviews videos. You Tube Video is a service that protects all persons having total discretion over the request. You do not being unlike each agree and say that this is not the truth, HE IS MARRIED AND HAS A SON and a quiet life with his own family he is with people like you that the problems start and that the actor can not stand and gets into a rage. This is not because he is always alone on the pictures and the interviews he lives alone in his private life. Many people misjudge him about his family status: it is a married man for 22 years and father of a young man of 20 years. Period. This clarification was made by his manager in an email and authenticated .... He has the right to respect as such .... Since you talk about some interviews that have been lost but that is true any time the actor has alluded nor has a girlfriend or a divorce because you are misinformed, is a child of divorced parents and also had the stepfamily in his parental family ... Lots of interviews with the actor have been edited out, nobody knows that his manager comes from LOS ANGELES. JOE PENNY else the player has nothing to do with Penny's life every day. Does that answer your questions ?....
Not that it's anyone's business, but I am just curious why a man who has been married for as long as you say and has a son would be on so many tv shows and himself discuss why he never married or had children. You can find some of these interviews yourself on you tube. Why lie about that? Also, if he was married and had a son, I think at some point someone would have seen them. Besides, even if it were true, I doubt he would be in a rage since public scrutiny comes with the territory and it's not that big a deal. I have seen your web site and find it interesting how many interviews that were lost in translation at your descretion. Such BS.
Mr. JOE PENNY actor is in a terrible rage and tell all those who dare talk about her private life she does now that he is happily married for 22 years and want to stay, he never had "girlfriend" for 2 or 3 years is a painter and artist who cares for Ebay and its photos and more has the initials PL and lives in LA and more in his video clip containing interview The Hollywood Show, one of two people behind him in the background has no sentimental ties with him, was denied by himself. Pretty Lady cease to tell you stories that you look ..ACTOR JOE PENNY IS MARRIED SINCE THE LATE 80 AND HE IS VERY HAPPY WITH HIS WIFE AND SON OF 22 YEARS AND IS MARRIED TO REMAIN UNTIL THE END OF HIS LIFE OK. Your are PATHETIC RIDICULOUS FANTASY OK…
Confirmed for his manager and Actor Mister JOE PENNY
Report (2) (0) | 1 month, 11 day(s) ago
Actually he is not married. Never has been. His girlfriend of two/three years runs his ebay auctions and goes by the initials P.L. She is an artist in L.A. You can see her in the background in the video interview Mr Penny did at the Hollywood show which is on you tube. Pretty lady.
No he has never been married. The actor himself has stated he is not married many times. The information on IMBD is wrong. There is no Cindy Penny. Never was.
Plus your website is full of lies and nonsense. Its no official website and you have also no contact to Mr. Penny´s manager. There had been this year a public confirmation statement from P.L, about this. Your statements regarding the actor are false and made up by yourself. You have a great phantasy. Stop making a fool of yourself already. No one believes you and everyone knows who you are or at least your lying website
pathetic lier loser leach lazy
should I go on? you get the message loser
pret y ulgy
Latest activity: 11 years ago. This question has 30 answers.