
Is adaption necessary to survive in our society?

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In the United States, I've observed a growing polarization of political, philosophical, theological, social, etc trends in which your opinions, practices, and views can heavily polarize and marginalize you within our society.

My question is this, is there some sort of social survival of the fittest principal that if you basically don't adapt and start flowing with the society you will fall and fail to survive in the society? Scientific American recently published an article regarding evolutionary principles in economics, I'm curious which principles seem to define how our society ebbs and flows and if there is some sort of approach to life that keeps you moving in the right direction rather than falling behind.




  1. well let's put it this way, If we didn't adapt. we would still be cavemen.

  2. Im not sure if I understood what you were saying exactly, but the way I see it, those who dont adapt become outliers, they are socially seperated from society and its principals. However, outliers do not inherently result in inferiority, they are more often attributed to "evolved" minds, to a sense that surpasses that of a normal enitity within a society. Although their principals may not align to a whole society, their survival still depends on their actions. These actions can result in infinite possibilities that can re-polarize and shift that person to a point beyond what their initial spot in society would have been and even beyond their normal equivalent. Therefore it isnt necessary to adapt, if in adapt you mean to actively seek social perfection in terms of instances of rites of passages that are adhering to the principals and road of an economically socialized group of people. For an economy to run in a way that politics wishes to run it, there must be systems in place to control every single entity of it. These systems are things like infectious diseases, food supply,  population control, mind control, pretty much being able to have a say in anything that happens within an economy. The thing that keeps things "flowing smoothly", would be something like : birth -->survival -->highschool --> college -->40 hour/wk -->tax paying; in which an idealized path to succes is marked out and emphasized by society &mind control mechanisms are put into place to allow for this to be the idealized american lifestyle that is politcally and physically controlled. This is just one of the paths that we are meant to follow, those who dont follow are literally left to survive by their own means. Anyways, It kinda doesnt make sense unless you can piece together every single system which is the mainframe of subsystems that control everything that happens in every way, and that would pretty much be like writing a book, so Im stopping here.

  3. duh!


    survival of the fittest.



  4. it simply goes back to our instincts.

    we all know nature is cruel to the weak; it's adapt or die no matter which way you slice it.

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