
Is adoption better then making a child for your own?

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What are the benefits of adoption?

I believe in adoption because there are children who are less fortunate and there is really no reason to bring another life to this world when there are so many humans in this world

Im only seventeen,

My sexual orientation is straight and i am a male




  1. In my opinion it's cruel to force a child into this world, and provide it no way in getting out. With kids that are up for adoption, the damage is already done, and those kids need homes.

    So yes, it's better than making a child of your own.. Much much less greedy.

  2. both is great but is a choice that needs to be made by both parents. no matter what you choose children are a gift. me and my guy think that having one of our own then giving a home to a child in need for our 2nd is best... that way we have the best of both worlds

  3. Both are good. But if you want to adopt a child then you should go for it.

  4. @bearman without being offensive, i think this gut even if just 17 is more mature than you.....ur post made me can somebody consider adoption an option for those who cannot conceive , and it 's in their right to adopt if they cannot have one on their nobody (just few) stop to care about couple's feeling and think for just a sec about the baby ....i mean ..i see just people saying :"adoption is the only chance to give a kid to the poor couple which has a lot og love to give but can't conceive..."

    why nobody tink bout the babies's rights??? here in europe our system is not so sick to look for a pregnat woman , giving her expensive gift and hope she'll choose us as for adopting a child is very hard, and sometimes unfair, but you, as a couple have to give ur disponibility to give a child a caring family.....and in the documents u have to fill out is pretty clear written...."mrs and mr bla bla bla are ready to give a family to a child, and therefore are giving their details for accepting a child....." it doesn't work like mrs... amd mr...bla bla cannot conceive so poorones , they have the right to have a child so let's look for the prgnant woman who will let u have her child......

    C'mon!!! grow up ...and open ur min a tiny bit!!!! to have same dna doesn't make parent

  5. neither is better they are both there own unique experiences. with adoption you know that you are giving a future to a child who might not have had one otherwise but with a biological child you get the excitement of being there ever step of the way from the test to the birth. its really all about what is important to you.

  6. Just a note to falcon's reply, don't ever marry a girl that says she doesn't want to have a baby because she's afraid or it would ruin her figure. She's too selfish and doesn't understand the married life.

    In my case, I take what children the good Lord blesses us with and if we feel the desire for more children after that, then we will adopt. :) I hope to adopt some day in addition to the biological children I have.

  7. If you want to help less fortunate children, why do you have to take them away from their families, their culture, their homes to do it?

    If you're talking about International Adoption, why not sponsor a child instead?  Or find a way to help make living conditions better in the native country so that the child doesn't have to lose so much?

    Giving a loving home to child who truly NEEDS it is a good thing...but why do we feel we have to change the child's name, pretend the child is "ours", alter the child's birth certificate, deny that the child already has parents, etc?  Why do we have to basically change the child's identity when we adopt?

    Don't people get this?

    Why do we care so little about helping people keep families preservation.  If a family can be kept together, shouldn't that always be the ultimate goal?  Why do we always want to break families up in the name of adoption?

    To the OP, I think your heart is in the right place, but I hope you seriously consider the implications of adoption...because in order for an adoption to take place, there FIRST has to be a separation from the child's natural family.

    And if you can at all imagine being separated from your family, perhaps you will have some empathy for that child you might someday adopt.

    I hope this society can someday start caring more for family preservation...and HELPING one another...instead of helping ourselves to other people's children.

    It's just a sad shame.

  8. As long as someone is a good parent it doesn’t matter whether their child is their biological child or adopted.  There are more and more couples/people who are choosing to have both adopted and biological children.   I praise you for thinking of adoption.  As I said even if you one day decided to adopt doesn’t many you cant also have a biological child(ren) too.  

    With adoption you’re giving a home and family to a child who wouldn’t have it otherwise. A child that might be bounced from Foster Care to Foster Care. Sometimes you’re giving a child a much better life then if they had stayed with their birthparents. My birthmother was an addict; she was half the time homeless. My life is much better then had I stayed with her.

  9. Adoption is great but not something to be use because you think you can improve someones life. I mean helping the elderly lady across the street carrying in her groceries would be helping someone less fortunate. Adoption is making a family and with that comes pain, struggles, joy and love

  10. It depends on who it is.. Some people adopt because they can't have any or any more for some reason... I think though that the ones that can get pregnant should have babies and let the ones that can't have any adopt them in some cases... I mean not sounding rude or anything but there are a lot our there that can't adopted and yeah i woulld say then to help out the world by adoptiong... I don't know I guess I see both side of it...

  11. Well, I have nothing against adoption, but I'm going to have my own children.  I want them to be genetically "mine".  I might adopt one day, but I want to have at least one or two children of my own.  Like many people, I believe that any child that *I* have will be a glorious gift to the world.  It's a biological urge, to deny it or say that it is wrong is like telling someone not to enjoy s*x.  

    The real problem isn't people like me who are going to have one or two kids...the problem is people who have like 5...well over the number needed to "replace" yourself.


    By the way, anyone that claims that I'm selfish for wanting to make my own child can mind their own goddam business.  If YOU want to adopt, go right ahead, but don't go being judgmental of people who choose to have their own kids.

  12. If all the smart successful people choose adoption, and all the poor and unfortunate people give birth, wouldn't the human being  brought to their down fall? Because all the good gene didn't have a chance to pass on.

  13. Neither one is better or worse, they are just different.

  14. i agree completely...... many many couple are adopting just coz they cannot have babies on their own , but that's not that fair coz this point of view is conidering just the "right" of the couple of having a kid to feel a "complete" family .......nobody is looking with the baby's point of u ..... is the baby, who has a right to have a family and with really really lots of children without family exsisting in this world, giving birth to a baby just bcoz than" i can feel him real mine", he looks like me and other stuff like this ...i think is very very selfish!!!!

  15. Without being demeaning it is clearly obvious you are only 17 my friend. To bring a baby into the world with the one true love of your life is one of the greatest experiences two adults can do. They grow & are a constant source of amazement & pride particularly as they start to mimic some of your characteristics. Adoption also has its place, however, more often than not it is an avenue for the unfortunate couples who are just as much in love as the first but are unable to conceive a child of their own for one reason or another. When you meet the right lady I'm nearly certain you will both opt to have your own child all going well. Until then, give some thought into sponsoring an overseas child who really could use your help & well meaning nature.

  16. I believe in adoption but I also think its nice for a couple to be able to have a child. I will adopt if what my doctor says is true and I cannot conceive a child.

    If you think about it there are BUNCHES of children/babies in the USA alone who are not adopted yet people go to China, Korea,etc... to get a child but the american children arent good enough or something, ever think of that?

  17. I gave a baby girl up for adoption 13 years ago.  Her parents consider her their child, just as if they had actually conceived her themselves.  I'm very lucky to have been in contact with them from the get go.  I've watched her grow up form halfway across the country.  Why did I give her up?  I was a single bartender, working til 3 or 4am on weekends, had very little support.  I knew I wanted her to have a stay at home mom and a wonderful life.

    She has all of that.  We're all lucky.

  18. I have a 7 year old biological son and we are in the process of looking to adopt a infant in the US.  ALSO I was 35 when I had my son.  When I was 17 I was busy with college and getting my future planned.  I hope you will wait to have children.  Lastly, adopting or having your own children is something you and your spouse will decide.  Both are great blessings but you should probably focus more on  your studies and your social life for now and figure  the rest out when the time comes.

  19. I don't think it's a matter of one being better than the other.  Both are perfectly wonderful ways to build a family.  I do have to add, though, that the best motivation to adopt is because you want to have a family.  Many people talk about "saving" a child.  If you adopt, it should be because you want to add another child to your family.  Looking at adoption as salvation leads to children feeling like they are supposed to "owe" their parents for "saving" them.  Really, it's the children who have given the parents something the parents decided they wanted.

  20. I have both bio and adopted children.  Which is better? Neither.  The only difference is how they joined our family. People comment on how the adopted children acts like us and you can tell they are our kids.  

    You shouldn't adopt to help a less fortunate child, you should adopt because you want a child.  We could have more children but choose to adopt because we wanted older children, not infants.  Been there done that, don't want to revisit.  Also through adoption were weren't adding to the population overgrowth while still getting the large family we wanted.

    In the end it is a personal choice.   For us adopting toddlers after having bio kids was the best choice.  We get the best of both worlds.

  21. both of them are good.

    none is less than other unless you dont care about the child.

    if your gf or wife afraid to have a birth than adoption is the best way to raise children.

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