
Is adoption expensive?

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How much does is cost to adopt in USA? Are there any cost effective programs for middle class citizens? What are the fees for?




  1. Everyone so far is wrong in their responses here.  I am an audoptive parent and can probably help you out better.

    There is no such thing as a "free adoption" regardless where you seek to adopt or what avenue- foster  care (state), an agency or privately with an attorney.

    The fees you encounter depend on what avenue of adoption you take. Agencies and state systems require an application for hopeful adoptive parents. While most states don't have an application fee, agencies will charge as much as $600 and it is NOT refundable.  

    Then there is the cost of a homestudy which is required in all 50 states for all adoptions, regardless of what source of help you use to adopt.  Costs for this can vary greatly depending on who is doing the study and whether or not you have to hire a social worker to do one for you OR if one is provided to you as part of the process through the state or an agency. Costs on these are also not refundable and can vary between $1000-$2500.  Homestudies are good for 1 year from the date they are completed.  If you need to up date a homestudy there is another fee for having it updated and to bring it current for an adoption. That fee is usually less but also not refundable.

    Then you get to the fees. You will be responsible for all court fees involved to file papers and attend court. These will vary by state but can be several hundreds of dollars.

    Agencies will have their own fees they will charge you for biological parent counselling and assistance as well as facilitating your case and giving your counsel in the process as well. These will vary by agency but can be as high as $30,000.   Private adoptions, where you have a situation presented to you without an agency or state involvement, vary by attorney. They average around a few thousand dollars up to $60,000 depending who you use and any special circumstances that may happen during the course of the adoption. The fees are not refundable if the adoption falls through before finalizing in private adoption, however, with an agency, they will usually roll that money over and locate another possible situation for you as quickly as possible.

    The state system will also require you pay the court fees and homestudy fee. Many times state foster adoption situations do not require additional fees. State adoptions may allow adoptive parents a subsidy amount each month to help the family obtain services in counselling, medical care or other needs if the children they adopt have severe medical or emotional needs which would require such services- otherwise, like any other adoption, once the child is placed in your home their care is your financial responsiblity.

    US adoptions average between $15,000 - $60,000 each. If you adopted internationally you must use an agency as well as follow the laws of the country you are trying to adopt from. You are then responsible for all fees for the adoption as well as your travel expenses (or the expense of an escort if the country will allow your child to be escorted to you, but Korea is the only country I am aware of that allow use of a child escort), and added fees required by the country of adoption. International adoptions can range from $25,000 up to $60,000 each.

  2. Yes adoption is very expensive for the family who loses the child.  It usually means a lifetime of grief and the costs for long-term mental health care.  In some cases, the adoptive parents are required to pay for what they call "counseling" until the relinquishing mother has no legal chance of getting her baby back.  Then they kick her to curb and she is on her own.  The "counseling" that they do provide does not address grief.  The counselor just tells her over and over that she made the right choice.

  3. I think that no one should put a price on a childs wellbeing......but thats just me. I think its a discrace to put a price on a child like priceing up cattle! Shocking.

  4. Some of the fees are for 'expenses' and the rest of it goes into the agencies pocket ( have you seen some of their tax returns - it's criminal)

    Adopt via the foster care system.  Don't continue to drive an industry making money off the backs of little babes and vulnerable women

  5. Costs do vary but I think on average it costs the adoptee a complete sense of self and shatters the ability to love unconditionally, while depleting the stores of trust. It costs feeling acceptance, and having one's natural abilities and traits modeled.

    For the mother of adoption loss it can cost her future fertility, confidence, self-esteem. Sometimes it costs her severe depression and lack of trust in others. There is a toll of resentment her family may bear for not helping her keep her baby.

    For the adoptive parents, usually it's just a bunch of money. Oh and some paperwork.

  6. 8,000 to 12,000 dollars is the average cost of a domestic adoption thru an agency.  

    There are some agencies that adjust the cost on a pay scale according to how much you make.  

    We were told that $4,000 went towards counseling prospective b-parents.  The rest of it went to paperwork fees and lawyer fees and foster care fees.  How much of this is true?  I don't know anymore.

    My best friend has adopted two boys thru foster care. One was adopted at 9 months and the other at 1 yr.  They are wonderful little boys.  She said she only had to pay a $50.00 fee.

    If I had to do it all over again knowing what i do now, I probably would have went thru foster care.

    If you have anymore questions just email me, I'd be happy to help.  I'll give you the best straightforward answers i can.  Good Luck to you.

  7. go through social services.  no fees.

  8. Contact family services. Often there are little or no fees involved.

  9. I don't suggest that you go about adopting a child. I was in foster care from the day i was born untill i was 13th. I was adopted then. I hate being adopted and i hate the family that i am with. Everyone thinks that there story will be different  but it wont. Kids don't adjust very well at all. I would suggest trying foster parenting first.

  10. Go through your country.  There are no fees for adoption other than perhaps minimal documentation fees.  Hope you find what you are looking for.  Good luck.
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