Just to clarify, I'm not considering having children at this stage in my life AT ALL. I'm still studying and wouldn't even begin to consider until I could emotionally and financially support and offer stability and happiness to a child.
My point is, ever since I was a little girl, I've always said that if I ever have children, I want to adopt them. My reason for choosing adoption over naturally conceiving a child is simply that there are so many children out there desperate for the love and support that I may one day be able to offer them. Despite the cost and complexity of the adoption process, I'd much rather turn around an existing life.
Some people would see that as morally wrong. Is it?
I know that in an ideal world, children would be with their biological parents and some people would argue that adoption is wrong BECAUSE it's taking the children away from their birth parents. But whether the children are adopted or not, they'd still be in some other kind of care, surely?