
Is adoption possible over the internet?

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How do you apply? Is it legal? Is there any fees payable? Would someone from South Africa be able to adobt a baby from China, Japan? Is there anyone in need of letting their baby adopt. White or japanese/ chinese baby preferable. Need to do this legal, please.




  1. No nor do you want to.  You will need to have home studies done.  You will need legal expertise that you can't get from a website.

  2. This cannot be a serious question, surely

  3. The Internet is a great way to get the ball rolling on adopting nationally or from overseas.  You can scan photo-listings, read articles, and participate in chats and blogs.  However, you will need to have a home study done and their may be some financial expenditures along the line.  I do not know what the laws are in South Africa specifically but I have read a few articles about adoption in Africa so I know that the resources are out there.  Good luck, Ruby!

  4. What does this mean:  "Is there anyone in need of letting their baby adopt. White or japanese/ chinese baby preferable. Need to do this legal, please."

    Are you trolling for a baby?  Placing your order for the right color?





  6. I certainly hope you cannot adopt a child over the internet.  Think of all the pedophiles and child traffikers that would do it.

    Find an agecy (information can be found online) and do it in person.  Take your time and read and learn.

  7. Nope, you have to go in person, you are evaluated, you need to sign papers and be verified its you. If you do it over the internet , its a scam and could cause you legal problems

  8. While I respect that you may not have expressed your self in English as well as you would have liked - a few points

    Firstly - yes you are trolling for a baby.

    "Is there anyone in need of letting their baby adopt. White or japanese/ chinese baby preferable"

    Asking for a baby over the internet like this is trolling.

    Secondly - most Chinese girls are NOT "killed or left in orphanages".  There are more than half a billion females in China who would have been raised with their immediate or extended families who would disagree with this.  

    Of the small percentage of  children (male as well as female)  who do are not raised with their families most are adopted locally (formally or informally).  Sadly some and end up in Social Welfare Institutes (SWI).  Sader still is the children who die or are killed but please keep in mind that this happens in every country not just China.

    Thirdly -  In China girls are NOT considered "a symbol of bad luck".  Research has shown that most girls adopted from China actually have biological sisters who are being raised with their natural families.  If girls were so 'unlucky' why would the parents have 'kept' them?  The reasons behind why more girls than boys end up up in SWIs is a very complex mix of historical, social, political, legal, medical, personal and other factors.


    It is a trajic misconception that these children are 'unwanted'.  I recommend that inform yourself more thouroughly by reading some books like:

    Wanting a Daughter, Needing a Son - Kay Ann Johnson

    The Lost Daughters of China - Karin Evans

    The Good Women of China - Xinran

    If you ever do make it to China I'm sure you will see how much the Chinese people love their children both male and female.

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