
Is adoptive subsidy for the child or the parent?

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my dumb *** dad is saying that my mom doesn't need the child support for my brothers and i, because she has our adoptive subsidy. if u can answer my question instant message me at ipapimps (aim) not yahoo. thank you so much!! btw do u know a hit man? just kidding




  1. I think your assessment of your dad is correct.  As a child support worker for 14 years as well as an adoptive mother who receives an adoption subsidy, I can speak to both topics.  First of all, as your father, his child support obligation has NOTHING to do with an adoption subsidy.  They are totally different issues.  He should pay child support because all children deserve to be supported by both of their parents!!!  Whatever your financial situation, you deserve to have financial support from your dad.  PERIOD.  

    The adoption subsidy was awarded based on some qualifying need.  They don't award those lightly, and the subsidy has to be renewed yearly.  It is not a bonus or a prize for adopting children.  It is there because there is a NEED for it.  It has NOTHING to do with child support, and should not be considered at all when determining the amount of child support.  For one thing, it is renewed every year, and your mom could possibly lose it for some reason.  

    So, your dad needs to stand up and be a man.  Pay child support because he is a father!  It's so sad and infuriating for me when I run into dads who feel this way.  Thankfully, not all of the dads I deal with are like that.  One final comment:  Adoptees already tend to feel unloved and bad about being "abandoned" by their mothers.  DON"T let this be about you.  ANY TIME ANY PARENT FAILS TO LOVE A CHILD IN THE RIGHT WAYS, OR FAILS TO SHOW THAT LOVE APPROPRIATELY, IT IS ALWAYS BECAUSE THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG WITH THE PARENT--NOT THE CHILD!!!!!!!!!

  2. Subsidy is for the parents to obtain Respite for themselves, cover additional costs for special needs of the child.

    For example alcohol whipes for medical equipment. Since Alchol wipes wouldn't be covered by medical insurance....

    Activities for socialization when a child is "socially at risk" ...

    I think that your dad might be wrong if he goes to court over this as the Adoption Subsidy was in place before the divorce and is to be used for the Special Needs and not to cover houseing, clothes or ordinary things for daily living.... The subsidy isn't about the SAME THINGS that child support would cover....

    Adoption subsidies are not considered Income parents can't use it to qualify for a mortgage, and don't report it on taxes... so it doesn't count as your mother's income and wouldn't be considered as part of her assets....

    Tell your mother to make sure that her attorney knows about the subidy and how it is actually used.... I think in the end it will simply remain in place for the reason it is there...

    Also.... in most cases the subsidy is based on Specific Needs and is granted by the state for the Exact need requested. We get some subsidy for our children and it was based on Respite (qualified childcare) and to pay for specific needs of the children... Like our son who has horrible sleep disorders our subsidy in part covers an alarm system so that if he goes out of the house we will know it....

    Your mom should contact the State have her call the Adoption Unit or State Adoption office and ask who she can speak to about the adoption subsidy... They should have a record about What it was based on....

    I don't use IM's so.... this is the best I can do.

  3. Hi Tony,

    I'm assuming your adoptive parents are divorced now and your adoptive dad does not want to pay child support?

    If I understand the situation correctly, this is my answer:

    Every child is entitled to support from BOTH parents.  Since children cannot work to support themselves, whatever their share of their living expenses would have been, that amount must be absorbed by both parents.  Having an adoption subsidy does not negate that obligation.  I'm certain if their divorce has gone to court, a judge has already taken that into consideration before determining the amount your father will be ordered to contribute.

    To answer your question, no, the money is not exactly for your mom, although she is the one who sees that the bills get paid and that you & your siblings have all the necessities you require.

    My final comment is that I feel it's not appropriate for any parents to be discussing the financial specifics of the arrangements that were made on the kids' behalf.  You and your siblings should not have to worry about all that.  It's sad when grown-ups cannot keep that to themselves, and the kids end up worrying instead of focusing on school and normal kid things.  It's admirable for you to be so responsible for your family.  It's really your parents who should be responsible for the family though.

    If things continue as they are, you might want to consider discussing this with your school counselor.  Take care,

    julie j

    reunited adoptee

  4. Adoption subsidy shouldn't have ANYTHING to do with child support.  Your dad was involved in the decision to adopt you, I assume.  Therefore, he is responsible for paying child support.  Shame on him!

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