
Is agriculture still an important activity in Europe ?

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Is agriculture still an important activity in Europe ?




  1. Absolutely. Any country that can not produce food and is at the mercy of imports for the bulk of products will fail and fall. A country does not have to produce everything, but needs to have some necessary products to balance import/ export and maintain the ability to produce that which it would more than likely import.

  2. Agriculture now represents less than 10% of the European Union total GDP, yet it plays an essential role in the European culture, environment and social situation. Indeed, agriculture occupies a great part of the territory and help maintains the dynamic of many rural areas. It provides wholesome food for the population and is thus key for European food security. More than 10% of the EU population works in agriculture and much more in the agrofood sector: maintaining a dynamic agriculture is thus essential to the struggle against unemployment in Europe.

  3. Yes my dear, not only for Europe it applies to all countries of the world.

    Remove importance of agriculture; and start worrying for what will you eat for the next meal?

    Agriculture is a base for all the cultures so far developed in this world, it was important and will remain so till end of this world.

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