
Is aikido effective to improve my health? I have frequents pains in my back?

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Is aikido effective to improve my health? I have frequents pains in my back?




  1. Yes. I am an aikidoka, and good aikidoka seldom got sick. I suggest you to do the taisho. Do it regularly every morning.

  2. actually aikido tends to have a lot of people with joint or back problems.  specially those that have been disadvised to continue an other art.  since aikido does not handle agressive impact it tends to be ideal for people with all kinds of problems.  the joint manipulations can actually be beneficial for your problems as long as they are not handled agressively

  3. Ha! I quit aikido because the falls were killing my already sore back.

    Now after many years I tried jiu jitsu, not focusing too much on the throwing techniques (not too much) and my back is doing pretty good.

    As you exercise more and more your back will get better and be able to take the throws, but don't sweat it, the main thing is to have fun, and you will learn to fight automatically.

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