
Is al gore,out of touch with reality,yesterday's new items ieyesterdays news release?

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Is al gore,out of touch with reality,yesterday's new items ieyesterdays news release?




  1. Al Gore is an opportunist...and a kook!

    Many people wanted him to be President of the US.  Scary, huh?!!!

  2. he is one of the smartest peoplle I have had the privilage to listen to. no he is not out of touch with reality........

  3. If you are talking about investing in new infrastructure for replacement energy technologies, not at all.  No infrastructure = being reduced to living in a 3rd world country.

  4. yes...and he's out of touch with fitness. I sometimes wonder how a Granola eatin' lib got so dang fat.

  5. He is definitely out of touch with reality if he thinks this nation can ween itself off oil in the next decade.  It will take at least twice that long.  The only bone I can throw him is he is open to nuclear power, something Obama will not even consider.

  6. Al Gore owns a carbon credit company . He's interested in making more money only .

  7. If only we could export Al Gore to China

  8. If anything, Al Gore is too much IN touch with reality in suggesting a "race to the moon"'-like project to develop renewable energy resources over the next decade.  He is all too familiar with the realities of global warming and the urgency of changing our collective course with regard to our energy use.  He also is looking at the increasingly dangerous state of the world politically, i..e, that a commitment to protect "our" remaining oil supplies all over the world will be costly, dangerous, and ultimately unsuccessful.

    The thrust of the question above actually has merit, i.e., that a complete alteration of how we produce and use energy in this country is highly unlikely to occur within the short time frame proposed by Gore. I think he knows this.  He is trying to underscore the urgency of our predicament, however.  On a day to day basis, it's still too easy for Americans to sit back and think that the problem will be resolved "someday" by "someone," and Gore wants us to realize that the time to get going is now.  

    If any group is "out of touch with reality" in America today, it's that hard core of global warming deniers who continue to maintain that these issues are fantasies created by nefarious liberals in order to grab political power.  Similarly fantastic is the notion that more drilling for oil off of our coastlines will make any significant difference in our energy situation.  

    In this case, Gore may seem "crazy," but he's crazy like a fox.

  9. No.

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