
Is alcohol more dangerous than marijuana?

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In terms of risk of injury or death, etc. ?




  1. This is just my personal opinion, but marijuana won't give you corrosion of the liver, enlarged heart,high blood pressure,obesity,and certain other problems you can associate with alcohol.

    Biggest problem is that it's still widely illegal!

    As far as the tax thing, remember it is a weed and just about anyone can grow it on their back porch, in their garden or even their front room,cause it's so easy to grow-----most weeds are (smile).

    Before everyone jumps on me, I KNOW it's not called corrosion of the liver, but I couldn't remember how to spell (ca-roasis) or however it's spelled!  By the way I noticed I'm not the ONLY ONE that couldn't spell it! hahaha.

  2. yeah

  3. It depends on whether or not you would rather die from liver failure or just be stupid from loss of brain cells.  

  4. Yes.

    Just think of how many people have died from alcohol poisoning, damage to their liver, and drunk driving.

    Ever heard of someone dying of marijuana? There isn't a single recorded case.

    And it DOESN'T kill brain cells. Myth!

    This is why marijuana is illegal:

  5. Yes it is a lot worse.

  6. both are pretty dangerous...both will make you make bad decisions, both kill brain cells, both make you feel like you're invincible...both have serious consequences...both are bad lol

  7. Both are really depends on the person. Both can cause injury, death, poor decision making which could lead to other bad things.  Both are drugs.

  8. I would think so, but I don't do neither.

  9. umm yes, like ten million times more dangerous then marijuana.

  10. depends on how much you do,

    1 drink < 1 joint

    1 night of drinks > 1 joint

  11. probably considering marijuana makes you lazy and you don't feel like driving a car like you do when you are in the bar, waisted, and not willing to give up your keys  

  12. Anything, and I mean anything, is dangerous, if taken to excess and controls one's life.  

  13. Thats a huge matter of opinion! Basically it's liver damage vs. lung damage. Some ppl are prone to liver damage, so alcohol would be worse than weed.  Just depends...

  14. Good Question

    The only problem is that Alcohol has more money than Marijuana so will probably never know.

  15. I would say death yes.... in the long term who knows.

  16. You will most likely receive a variety of opinions on the subject.  Scientifically, alcohol has more of an adverse effect than marijuana.  One does not often hear of a fatality caused by "stoned driving".  On the other hand, thousands are seriously injured and/or killed by "drunken drivers".

  17. well hard to say, depends on how much you smoke.  one joint is like 100 cigarettes.  does not really matter though, just do each in moderation and you will be fine

  18. Not sure...maybe, but definitely not ten million times more dangerous. Even a nuclear warhead isn't ten million times more dangerous than marijuana...

  19. Yes, in terms of average use. Alcohol has killed thousands of people and done a lot of liver damage; marijuana has never killed anyone.

    HOWEVER marijuana can cause psychosis.

  20.   NO!!!!!When you consider how many "hits" are involved during a --get high---episode.  plus one can &

    do a social thing--to smoke weed your aim is to get -high

  21. Yes, it's a lot more dangerous.

  22. No.  Both drugs are extremely dangerous in high quantities and over a long period of time.

    Oh....and the worst addicts are in a state of denial!  And I don't mean the big Egyptian river!

    Thumbs up boys!!! PMSL!!

  23. if you drink enough alcohol it can kill you - nobody has every died of a "marijuana overdose"

    ever heard of an angry stoner that starts fights and beats the c**p out of people....? Maybe if it's over a cheeseburger or something *rolls eyes*

    Alcohol is highly addictive and ruins peoples lives and families - tests and studies have proved time and time again that there are no physically addictive properties of THC like there is with alcohol or nicotine.

    In my opinion alcohol is right up there with heroin, and nobody's doing a d**n thing to control it. No, instead "let's lower the drinking age!" beauty idea...

  24. Yes alcohol can cause seavere liver damage. Weed just makes you dazed. So im guessing it just kills brain cells or is that a myth im not really sure. But alcohol can ruin your life just ask my dad.

  25. Yes, absolutely.

  26. I guess so. alcohol can affect your judgment. & you can do really stupid stuff.

    and marijuana is of course very bad for you.

  27. if you are a heavy drinker yes!!! liver poisoning

    Mary Jane just hurts your lungs

  28. huh......what ...yeah dude............alcohol kills more people a year than all the other drugs.  but yet its legal ?  

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