
Is alcohol really bad?

by  |  earlier

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I it ok to drink.




  1. Pretty much everything is OK, in moderation, you need to understand the risks of alcohol abuse and you should really follow any laws if your going to drink (wait till your old enough)

  2. Yes, if you drink it frequently with a high dose.

    i hope this website will be useful to you.

  3. Excessive alcohol can damage your liver and your liver is your most vital organ. Stay away.  

  4. If U R over 18 and drink in moderation (not get drunk) it is fine. Many, many young folks get carried away with it, and that leads to big problems.

  5. Well....10's of THOUSANDS DIE every year from Alcohol Overdose and alcohol related automobile accidents.  So....YES...Sounds pretty bad to me!  Also...look in the news paper...on a DAILY BASIS you'll see stories of people high on alcohol being involved in violent crime.  Don't be fooled....alcohol IS A DRUG.  An extremely destructive drug, to say the least.  

  6. if you drinks loads of it all the time then that can be bad for you and unhealthy.  not just for you but for people around you too.  im sure your sensible though

  7. Its not so bad if you drink little of it... But a lot can cause problems... especially to your kidneys and such.... as well as your bones. If you drank alcohol... be sure to drink hot water after that... it helps....

  8. it is okay to drink in moderation. personally i don't drink, but it's up to you to decide.

    don't drink just to 'get drunk'. that is often where problems start.
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