
Is all aqueous solder and flux lead free?

by Guest21506  |  earlier

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Is all aqueous solder and flux lead free?




  1. I don't know but all solder used for water pipes MUST be lead free. Solder for electronic parts still uses lead and will be labeled accordingly. If it says rosin core, don't use it on water pipes.

  2. No idea about aqueous solder, and no idea how good it would be.  Good solder consists of 40% lead and 60% tin, although you can find the opposite.  Since I have no intention of eating solder, I'm not particularly worried about its content.  And I certainly never want to l**k solder joints after they're done.

    I mean, think about it.  This 'safety' thing is going overboard.  Hydrogen is considered to be explosive but how many detonations have occurred by people throwing a bottle of hydrogen peroxide at anyone?

  3. Every thing I could find on the web says aqueous or semi-aqueous solder mask or cleaner.  It's not a solder, it's a solder cleaner to remove excess un-reflowed solder and rosin or a mask to prevent the solder from going where it shouldn't.

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