
Is all diesel fuel low-sulfur fuel?? And what is red diesel fuel? Think you.?

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We are using red fuel in our school buses,because they said that it is tax free.




  1. Red diesel is dyed red to show no road tax has been paid on it.

  2. Yes, It`s all low sulfer now, so if you have an older deisel; you will have problems. See your local deisel specialist and you`ll get the answers you need. `red`deisel is for home and farms and the dye will stay for a loooooong time. (get caught w/red dye in your tank and the fines will wipe out any possible savings; for good.

  3. not all diesel are low sulfur, they just started making low sulfur about 2 years ago. red diesel is off road fuel. if your caught with it in your car, truck, 18 wheeler or whatever you can be fined

  4. Robert L is correct.  Just to add a little more detail, red diesel is discounted for use by farmers, it is a form of government subsidy; it is not intended to be sold to anyone else for any other use so there is a hefty fine ... and since it stains everything in your engine it is easy to find.

    They did make low sulphur diesel more than 2 years ago, but not in large commercial quantities for retail sale.

  5. Red diesel is for agricultural use, Tractors, Combined harvesters etc.

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