
Is all of philosophy just a moot point?

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Only thinking makes it so?




  1. yes, why you care, you care about ur neck?

    1-to read, to understand

    2-to do c program, a,b,c,

    3-to hear entrance theme;

    4-to read science history book.

    5-to make a list of name whom ever i know.

    6-to make tim table, see assingnment pre.

    7-i realise, untill this device cant be out, i am not, no confidence i have.

    8-i realise, thy are unnecessaryly irritates me. All the time. All the time. All the time. All the time, All the time.

    9-i also realise- i am nothing in others mind.

    10-I realise, it is extreamly necessary to remove this thing from me

  2. I wouldn't necessarily say that all of philosophy is a point, moot or otherwise.

  3. not really,alot makes sense,i agree we can over think things,i wouldnt set my life by it ;)

  4. What a bunch of c**p.  You must be the worldly ones.

  5. Philosophy only becomes so when it becomes acceptable to the dominant ideology.  While not acceptable, it is ridiculed.  The truth about philosophy is that you are only allowed to think and philosophize about that which the state will allow you to do so.  Philosophy truly doesn't exist, the cage that exists around free thought is so small that we consider virtually nothing: ourselves, our job, our life, the suffering of others, a book, what we can afford etc.  Nothing is thought of the spirit realm, which is accessible and vast.  Nothing is thought about our true creator, only the god from the book that we were forced to follow.  There is no free will, our lives are dictated to us by the TV.  It pains me so much.

  6. It depends on the existence of an objective reason/purpose.  If in the end nothing matters then it's all subjective.  One code of thought might value "betterment of society and contribution" while another feels "experience gained through individual existence is highest goal" while another might say "detachment is the ultimate understanding."

    One can say "well it depends on the goal."  But again, that goal is abstract, arbitrary, and subjective.  The problem is that different people can value different things to different extents.  Someone may wish to make a contribution that will better humanity while another seeks only pleasure from something as isn't usually tolerated, like murder... but if that person doesn't care about consequence and lives for the moment and enjoys what he's doing (it happens) and both people (the contributer and the murderer) end up the same (not existing after death, which means you aren't aware you died or that you ever lived) then does it matter?  Both are okay with how they lived and ended regardless of outside observation judging them.

    So, theories in philosophy make a lot of assumptions that any of the discoveries/ideas matter when in reality it's only a HOPE that it matters and that there'd be a reason to follow it.

  7. Everything in moderation. Philosophy can give us perspective.....but lets not over do it!

  8. Not really.... your life will follow your philosophy...

    like this....

    Your driving your car (living) but depending on your mood ( philosophy) your driving is going to be good or bad.

  9. I suppose so.  Interesting. . . I guess philosophy is just a state of mind.  The thought that everything has a meaning and feelings and such would never exist if people didn't think this way.  That is why philosophers are all the great thinkers.  But people have had philosophies since the biblical ages.  I think that too many of us just over-think.


  10. The Fortune Cookie ♥ says:

    Life is a lie, and doesn't exist.

  11. I agree but it can be fun, kind of like proposing hypothetical scenarios for people so the what if debate can fire up :)  

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