
Is all smoke carcinogenic, or just that of tobacco?

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Is all smoke carcinogenic, or just that of tobacco?




  1. all smoke can give you lung cancer because the particles in it irritate lung tissue, and over time can cause cancer.

  2. Potentially all smoke could be. The reason that particulate matter in smoke becomes carcinogenic is because a lot of the molecules contained in smoke are called PAHs or polyaromatic hydrocarbons. Your body oxidizes these lipophilic molecules in order to make them more water soluble and enhance their elimination. But while oxidized, they have the potential to adversely bind with DNA strands causing genetic mutations.

  3. yes

  4. Most people who die in a house fire die of smoke inhalation.  Smoke from some things such as burning plastics are extremely toxic and can kill in seconds.

  5. Anything burnt is carcinogenic.

  6. depends what source the smoke is coming from. If it contains carcinogenic compounds, then it will be carcinogenic. if it doesnt it wont...any way inhaling any kind of smoke isnt good for your lungs or you overall health.

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