
Is alli right for a 15 year old?

by Guest64118  |  earlier

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I am 5"4 and weight about 140




  1. run~

  2. No its not right for a 15 yr old. You are a good size for your height...if you loose too much weight you will look like a walking skeleton.

  3. Wow you are so not in need of that---.....Alli is for people who have a really hard time losing weight with simple exercise and diet.  Always try that first!

  4. Possible weight issue but that is something your doctor and parents know for sure. I'm guessing.

  5. do what you have to do to feel good about urself

  6. you might be a bit overweight, maybe just 10 pounds, but dont use dieting pills, exercise

  7. So, I misread the question. No, alli isn't okay for a 15 year old.

    140 is perfectly normal.

  8. a lil overweight

    just eat smaller proportions and run daily

    and i mean daily

    total honesty  

  9. Of course it is.

  10. It's not right for a 15 year old. it is made for adults who are overweight. your bmi is 24, and overweight is 25... it probably wouldnt kill you to lose a few pounds, but alli could make you sick

  11. you don't need alli.  It's an anti fat drug.  If you have a fatty diet while taking alli, you'd better plan on taking extra clothes... like 3 and 4 sets wherever you go.

  12. That sounds great.

  13. NO WAY! First of all, 140 is about the right size for a 15 year old. Don't use it until you are in your twenties at least because it has side effects and common difficulties. I highly suggest you do not experiment with this. And you may not even be overweight in your twenties. Alli is for obese adults. It's a supplement to help keep the weight down and making sure it stays down. Please don't try it. it's for the better. Hope this helps a little bit..

  14. I wouldn't recommend it.  Alli works by preventing the absorption of fat in the small intestine.  That unabsorbed fat causes diarrhea with fatty, malodorous stools (steatorrhea).  Trust me, there are better ways to lose weight.  The BMI for your height and weight is 24, which is in the normal range.

  15. How about exercise?? You know that Alli makes you p**p in your pants right?


  17. Hmm...about 20 pounds over weight...

    i'm 5'5

    i'm normal and i weight about 120-125

  18. No, Alli isn't good for anybody, I heard that it makes you lose total control over your bowels so that you'll have to walk around in depends.

  19. I Am 13 about 5 foot 1 inch around 105 pounds and male

  20. i guess ~yea~

    im 15



  21. no...we discussed this in medical class..with this drug you need to stay near a bathroom and that is no guarantee that you will make it. it cause diarrhea and being 15 that would be more embarrassing than your weight.

    you need to take into consideration your body type and muscle tone to figure out if you are overweight. if you are already active just try cutting down on certain foods. did you know no cheese on sandwiches for a year and you could loose 10 pounds by doing that alone. you are young and your body burns calories faster now then any other time of your life. so make a few healthy changes before trying over the counter gimmicks.

  22. OMG girl u are skinny!!! i know 2 13 year olds who are 160-170 lb.s u are a good weight!


    sounds good

    will you please answer mine ? its that link up there

  24. no

  25. Your 15 and you're at a healthy weight.  You have so much time to lose weight and you will... Naturally.  Your weight will fluctuate until your about 18-19.  If you dont feel good about yourself now, just start eating healthier, jog, rollerblade, ride a bike, walk.  DO NOT TAKE ANY WEIGHT LOSS PILLS!!!!  

  26. yes that sounds fine

  27. i dont think ANYONE should use it. what it does is it washes out everything you eat so you cant gain any. how it works is everytime ur body takes something in (eats) it immediatly gets rid of it by makeing you get diareah like 3 times A DAY!!!!!

  28. no, weight loss pills are terrible for teenagers. If you want to lose weight, go on a diet or excercise. Diet pills are no good, but if you really want it, first talk to your doctor

  29. Alli makes you p**p oil, whether or not you're planning to.

    I've seen full-grown women leave work to change their underwear because they're taking Alli.

    Instead of anal leakage, you could just eat a healthy diet and exercise when you want to.  

  30. No! Please stay 140 or lose weight by excerising its way better for you. Love yourself not what you think you should be.

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