
Is allot of money involved in golf betting?

by  |  11 years, 1 month(s) ago

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Golf betting is becoming a priority sports for the bettors. I would like to know, are huge amounts of money involved in golf betting?




  1. he reason is quite simple – there is a lot of money to be made in golf betting. The game of golf itself has a lot of money involved, and by betting on golfers during a tournament, you stand to make a good amount of money yourself, provided you are able to pick the winner correctly.

    The question of odds also comes into play. Unlike other sports, that may have a smaller number of participants, golf tournaments usually have a larger number of players, increasing the odds of winning. There have been instances of players beating huge odds to go on and win tournaments when nobody gave them a chance, and the people who bet on them also laughed all the way to the bank.

    Considering that there are more than 150 golfers in the professional circuit, the chances of an ‘outsider’ giving all players in a tournament a run for their money and then beating them are not entirely in the realm of fantasy.

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