
Is altruism hardwired in humans?

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Is altruism hardwired in humans?




  1. So says some biologists especially evolutionary biologists. That is the best part of it. Evolutionary biologists accepting altruism is not something very simple.

    For Richard Dawkins was a man who was both praised and criticized for his "Selfish Gene". He accepts altruism.

    Any thing genetical is programmed, in that sense it is hardwired. But who knows it ultimately.

  2. If I recall from my time in animal behavior, there is some saying about me being willing to die for 2 brothers or 8 cousins. This is because my relatedness to each of my brothers is 0.5, so two of them equal one of me thus making my genetic investment in two of them equal to my genetic investment in one of me.

    Because of statements like that and because I watch the world around us, I find it hard to believe in the existence of true altruism.

    When birds forgo mating to help raise their siblings, they are gaining something. When a fish cleans another fish, it is getting a free meal. When a human volunteers or gives donations, they are making new friends, getting tax right-offs and feeling good about themselves.

    I do hope that true altruism exists in humans, because otherwise life seems so animalistic. I hope that I would be one of those brave souls to step up when the altruism was needed.

  3. I would say definitely, if you are referring the the sociobiological definition of altruism. It all makes sense. If you are good at mathematics, or know someone who excels at higher math, then check out the mathematical basis of group selection and reciprocal altruism.

    Both easily explain why altruism provides a reproductive advantage.

  4. Altruism has been seen in many species, as has the lack of it. Hardwiring doesn't truly exist, proclivities do; but individual choice is the wild card in any description that tries to describe behavior based solely on biology. Are you just a product of your wiring, or are you a mind that can rise above it and write your own program?

  5. It appears to be a part of our evolutionary complement.  

    " Hardwired " is an ignorant term used by people who do not understand evolutionary processes, or genetical processes.

    Please lose this term from your vocabulary.

    This, and all other human behavioral traits, are, " nature via nurture. " It is not a dichotomy, though. Opposing altruistic behavior is a suite of much less than altruistic behavior.

  6. many argue that altuistic behaviour is biologically based.... however just like anything... people do disagree

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