
Is america more racist or sexist?

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  1. OBVIOUSLY sexism. I mean, who won between hilary and Obama? I'm not denying that there's still racism in America too though. After all, there have been no women or coloured presidents (yet). Another thing, I think racism and sexism are limited because a coloured person cant be racist to a white person and a woman cant be racist to a man. NO OFFENCE MEANT IN THIS ARTICLE, SO IF U FEEL ANGRY AT ANY OF THIS, IM SORRY, IT WASNT ON PURPOSE!!!! :)

  2. i wud guess racism. i see it myself much more often. theyre both there though

  3. Racist for Sure.

    As for 'Sexist' I think Women are 'more' Sexist than Men, in Business, anyway.

  4. Everybody else is wrong and ignorant.

    Sexism is FAR more prevalent than racism, so much so that we often don't even notice it because it is considered "normal."

    If you don't believe me, go read a magazine and look at the ads, or watch TV and notice the 'gender-appropriate roles' that are constantly handed around.

  5. Racist, cause their are many diverse race in US. Sexist i doubt. unless there is something worng with u caz opposite s*x

  6. From what i know, it can be very racist.

  7. honestly,

    racist probably

  8. Depends which victim you're talking to, I guess.

  9. i think racist ... hands down

  10. Racism no longer exist in America anymore, as no one is holding anyone else back, it is simply an excuse used by minorities whenever someone says something they don't like(no matter how factual) or something doesn't go their way.

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