
Is america partly to blame for the mexican immigration problem?

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mexico needs to be responisble for its own people that being said is america partly to blame because we steal oil from mexico by tapping there underground sources from our side of the border dose walmart not go in destory the local bussiness and give all the mexican money to a already rich american yes walmart dose bring jobs but they take advantage of the fact that they can pay them little americans rise the price of real estate mostly foreiners make money off mexico not to mention other nations never really leave it only to grow




  1. If I break a law, I don't go an blame someone else.

    like illegals do.

  2. IDK about the oil thing, but Walmart does the very same thing to us here.  Its up to the mexicans to take responsibility for their country.  I agree, Americans should do a better job of running our country too!  The enttrenched politicians allowing the illegal alien invasion are the same folks who have been talking out the side of their mouths to us for years and doing little.

  3. America is only to blame if you are an illegal.  Those of us that are American citizens are not to blame for the criminal activity of others.

      Next question, please use some punctuation, hard to read such a long uninterupted sentence.

  4. America is to blame only in the sense that we have a free and productive nation next door to a corrupt oligarchy.  Kind of like leaving a steak right next to the lions are kind of begging the lion to grab it.

    We don't take Mexicos oil...their corrupt oligarchs take it and feather their already cushy nest, while doling out a few bucks at election time to keep in power.

    Walmart only moved in to Mexico recently, and the illegal problem has been going on  a long time, so don't try to blame them.

    As far as real estate, it is only recently that foreigners were allowed to own land in Mexico, so their not to blame either.

    The biggest contribution we make is not closing our border.  If those Mexicans who currently come to the United States were forced to stay in Mexico, there would be another revolution, and maybe a little freedom and economic justice in Mexico.  As it is, we are the relief valve for Mexicos corrupt ruling class.

  5. No, we didn't invite them here nor do we want them.  

  6. No, of course not!

    Wherever did the concept of personal responsibility and accountability for one's own actions and choices disappear to?

    Did anyone go down to Mexico, hold a gun to Pedro's head, and say"  You are coming to America, buddy, to mow lawns and put roofs on buildings?"


    Didn't happen.

    Blaming the victim for the choices of criminals is an age old game that losers play.

  7. You really, really need to link the assertions in this question.  None of them could be proved, but knowing who is saying what may be interesting.

    Per tapping into Mexican Oil.. it is a really silly idea.  However, it would be very smart of the Federal Government to seize and develop a significant amount of Mexican Oil Lots in the Gulf of Mexico to pay the costs of the illegal aliens.  THAT is becoming critical too.

  8. Yes, America is partly to blame because you can't on one side say don't come over here, it's illegal and then on the other hand let the illegals send their kids to school, apply for benefits etc.  America is sending a mixed message.

    Mexico isn't responsible because it's not a crime to leave Mexico so why should they care?  It's the job of the US government and citizens to catch them, report them, detain them, deport them, not hire them etc.  If nobody would give a job to an illegal, they wouldn't come over, would they?  If the economy needs their workforce, the US needs to make it easier to immigrate legally.

  9. If America treated the mexican immigrants like Mexico treats their Guatemalan immigrants, America would have no problem.

  10. kno. they push people over the  border to send money back

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