
Is amoxicillin advisable to take for pregnant women?

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i am 1 month pregnant, i just to know if amoxicillin is advisable for me to take cos i have uti.




  1. um i dont know. did ur ob prescribe it? i've only heard of ampicillin being prescribed for UTIs when pregnant. if your ob/gyn told you to the obviously its safe.  

  2. I am pregnant as well and have had a UTI this pregnancy. They prescribed me Nitrofurantoin(sp) antibiotics. I take amoxicillin before I get any dental work done cause I have a heart murmur. Did your doctor prescribe it? If so, yes it is safe.

    I found this info regarding amoxicillin online.

    What if I'm pregnant, considering pregnancy or breast-feeding?

    Most females now know that, if possible, no drug, including alcohol, should be taken during pregnancy or lactation. The potential danger, of course, is an injury to the baby. However, some drugs are much safer than others in this regard. So, the FDA has a grading system for each drug which reflects what is known medically. It ranks drugs from A, where medical studies show no evidence for danger to the fetus or mother, to B, C, D and X, where the medical evidence indicates that the risk to the fetus outweighs any benefit to the mother. Amoxicillin is ranked B. Always consult your physician before taking any drug during or when planning pregnancy.  

  3. i have the same problem, Doctor advised me to take seven days course of WYMOX tablets + Cranberry juice. i m quite ok now with seven months of my pregnancy.

    But i hv taken these tablets in the fifth month. and i hvnt got any side effects.

    Whatever the case, if your doctor adive you to take antibiotics do take that early do not wait for the infection to spread over. otherwise miscarriage can happen sometimes.

  4. Amoxicillin is fine as long as you are not allergic to penicillin as its penicillin based.

    I cant have penicllin  

  5. If your doctor knows you're pregnant and still prescribed it to you, then it's a pretty safe assumption that it's safe to take.

  6. I've been prescribed amoxicillin during my pregnancies and have been told by professionals that it is perfectly fine and will not harm the baby, but that's why they need to know you are pregnant so they don't give you something that will harm the baby. Amoxicillin is fine for infants too if they need antibiotics too

  7. i'm half way through my course , its perfectly safe don't worry

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