
Is an 8yo with teenage friends normal these days?

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My neighbor... I don't know.

Their daughter is 8 years old. I muts be honest, she is mature for her own age. She knows to wash her clothes, do her chores and homework, and all that jazz before watching TV or doing something fun. She can even cook. How I know this is my mother is friends with the neighbors as most people are and we have been invited over there several times. Well I don't live at home anymore but I visit several times a week.

One day, I saw her on the front porch chatting on a mobile phone. I needed to borrow her dads floor jack because I was changing my oil so I went over there. I asked her if it was her phone and she said "ofcourse, my parents got it for me".

So I am thinking, "um... ok. Is this like a new thing?"

Then I would say about a week ago, this guy showed up at her house in a car. I've seen this car around before and it has the local HS parking sticker on it.




  1. I dont approve either. When I was in hs I was getting high, having s*x and getting arrested LOL. Not the scene I would want my 8 yo in. So yeah thats weird. Who in hs would hang out with someone that young anyway. SO WEIRD!

  2. I totally agree with you... I don't think any child 8 years old should be hanging around kids in middle school or high school.. they  need to be hanging around class mates not older kids... I think its great  that this kid is indepent.. but too independent may not be a good thing...  I have an 8 year old boy ,,,, and this would not be happening around here.. I think the mother is wrong to allow this..


  4. Her mother is clearly not seeing the big picture and this is not a good idea. No teenager needs to have an 8 yr old friend. I would be afraid of them pressuring the girl or giving her wrong ideas. I'm not saying they are bad kids - but they are interested in boys, they're talking about all kinds of things that are relevant at THEIR ages and much too much mature for an 8 yr old to handle. It's inviting trouble.

    WHY isn't this child playing with children her own age? It's not normal and I would never allow it. I would be concerned if the kids were 2-3 yrs older than her! I have 4 children and hey are each interested in friends their own age or a year different. I would think it was very strange if my 12 and 14 yr old daughters all of a sudden wanted to hang out with an 8 or even a 9 yr old. This is absolutely insane and the mother is possibly endangering her daugher - something isn't right about this at all.

    Your mother should say something to her mother - maybe that is the best way to approach this without being offensive.

  5. She may be mature but she needs friends her own age.  I would discourage her from having such older friends.

  6. Well it wasn't normal for me and any of the people I know. It sounds like the brat is being a smug about having a cell phone, little rude spoiled brat.

  7. I think some parents feel it pretty cool when their kids are doing the "in" thing at a pretty young age.  You know starting them young.  I saw the same thing with my neighbor actually.  At high school, she was bragging to her young cousins that she knows how to french kiss already.  And she can't seem to live without a boyfriend.  It is indeed alarming to see such things happening, I wonder what girls like this will be when they grow up.  I don't want to judge, but I think people grow to be better adjusted adults when they enjoy things that are simple and are appropriate to their age.  I like reading your questions Jax,  they make me laugh.  And it is really good to have a good laugh especially nowadays.  How old are you, by the way?  I like the way you answer questions, too. Direct to the point and honest.  Thanks!

  8. everyone I knew who hung out with older kids has gotten into trouble - older boyfriends, drugs, skipping class blah blah. if she has older cousins or siblings, she might just be attracted to older people and not able/willing to relate to children her own age. All you can do is offer to spend time with the child yourself.

  9. No. I'm 18 now and I dont like even being near 8 year olds haha. I dont even know anyone my age who would want to hang out with an 8 year old. They can't do the things we can and even when I was 15 I didn't like being around them. To me, its kinda weird if a 15-17 year old has any interest thats the same with the 8 year old. As far as the cell goes...yeah, 8 years old is too young for one. I think its Verizon that has the fireflies its like a little green phone for emergencies and like 4 contacts and no texting and stuff.

  10. I really think that is pretty weird I mean it is good that the 8 yr old is mature but the teenagers could just be using her and everything. I really think they could also be genuine friends but i would not look too into it.

  11. I think her mother is allowing her to grow up way to fast and its a shame really, you would probably find that she can't interact with kids her own age now anyway.

    Its sad really

  12. Well I work for a cell company and 8 is rather young, but I have seen it. As for the car do you know that they are there to see her? Maybe a relative? Anyway I wouldn't worry about it is sounds like she is very mature and doing well, it is an issue her parents should worry about not you

  13. No.  Not ok.  My daughter is 9 and in no way shape and or form would I let her hang out with teenagers.  That is just bad parenting!  Yes, my daughter is mature for her age too, but what type of situation are you putting her in.

  14. i think her hanging out with teenagers is ok but people that are old enough to drive is kinda sketchy. maybe it was a friends older sibling picking her up or maybe a family friend. everything else is normal. or maybe she is older then you think. my mom knows someone with a son that is 13 and you would think he was 8 or 9.

  15. No...the parents probably don't think anything of it as long as she is out of their hair. They buy them anything because they most likely have the money to do it, since most of them are at work all the time. I wasn't allowed to get a cell phone until I was fifteen years old. This is kind of eight yr old girl should have a hs friend.

  16. all i have to say is ...not MY daughter, not happening, she will only get in trouble with kids that much older then her.

    a better question is why do kids that age want to hang out with an  8 year old....

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