
Is an Accord 2002 ethanol ready?

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I have an Accord 2002 and I think I heard that is ethanol ready in some grade of ethanol and regular gasoline is it true?




  1. To some of the people above who pointed out the inefficiency of corn ethanol: please note that some people can use a distiller at home and make ethanol that way to supplement their regular gasoline...  Not all ethanol is made from corn or is made commercially.

    Either way, I will agree that ethanol isn't the answer.  We will continue to have these production efficiency problems until we learn to harness the solar and wind power.

  2. check with the manufacturers.

  3. No.  

    Only vehicles that say they can use "flex fuel" can use ethanol.

    Ethanol is corrosive to some components in your engine and fuel system.  In a flex fuel system, these components have been built with parts that are not prone to ethanol corrosion.

  4. check with manufacturers

  5. check out www agua-luna com there's a list there with every car on the market.

  6. Most vehicles can safely take up to E10 (10% ethanol, 90% gasoline), but do check your owner's manual to be sure.

    You should only use E85 fuel (85% ethanol, 15% gasoline) in a vehicle that is designed to use it, called a flex-fuel vehicle (or labeled E85 capable).  If your car is not designed for it, the ethanol is a bit corrosive and can eat away at plastics and such in your fuel lines.

    Do note that the BTU/energy content of ethanol is a bit lower than in gasoline, so expect your fuel economy to be lower using an ethanol-mixed fuel than straight gasoline.

    You can view all of the E85 capable flex-fuel vehicles through:*g/byfueltyp...

    (of which there is no flex-fuel capable vehicles in the US/Canada from Honda, so do not use E85 in your Accord!)

    also note that there are few E85 fueling stations, so most flex-fuel vehicles never actually run it. (even though the automakers get a 1.2mph bonus credit to their CAFE averages for each flex-fueled vehicle they sell!) You can look up E85 refueling stations here:

  7. Don't support corn'll only s***w up the environment more.

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