
Is an Angelfish ok in a bowl?

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I am going to be buying an angelfish today and i might acually get 2...but is it ok to just put them in a little bowl like...a goldfish bowl?




  1. nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...                                               no

  2. No, absolutely not.  Not even a goldfish should be placed in a bowl.  All fish need to be in a filtered, aerated tank.  1 angel needs a 20 gallon tall aquarium if you want other fish, 2 need a 29 gallon.  Please for the sake of the fish, buy a real aquarium.  Petsmart sells great starter packs of all different tank sizes, look into those.  

  3. Absolutely not.  No fish should be kept in a small bowl, but particularly not Angelfish.  I kept three angelfish in a 20 gallon years ago (before I knew any better), but 30 is the recommended minimum.  Also, because of their unique fin shape they prefer tall tanks, so they have room to move up and down without their fins bumping the bottom or the surface.  The angelfish sold in pet stores are tiny, but they're going to get BIG.  A full grown angelfish is probably as tall or taller than a goldfish bowl.

    Should also mention that because they are tropical fish, Angelfish need filtration to keep the water clean and a heater to keep their tank warm and your fish healthy.  The smaller your tank, the quicker temperature changes outside the tank will affect your fish.  In a bowl, temperature is almost impossible to regulate, not to mention a small bowl means you'll have to do water changes every time you turn around.  Big tanks take a little more work and money to set up, but they're way easier in the long run.  

    I probably wouldn't recommend just two angelfish either.  Just one or at least three is usually the way to go.  Angelfish can be somewhat aggressive so if you only have two, the stronger one will harass and pick on the weaker one.  If you have three or more then they form an hierarchy and spread the harassment around.   But keep in mind that the more fish you have, the more space they need and the "1 gallon per inch of fish" rule doesn't really apply with angels.  I kept my angels with a few black skirted tetras and they did well, especially once I upped the tank size.  The best of my angelfish lasted seven years and got to be quite big, but I've heard of angelfish that got to be both older and bigger than mine.  

    If you're looking for a fish that does well in a smaller tank setting then I'd really recommend a betta.  They need more space than a goldfish bowl (and way more space than those horrible dinky little betta bowls), but you'd be surprised how small a 5 gallon fish tank seems once you get it set up.  With proper water changes I've had happy bettas in as small as 2.5 gallons, but the only betta I have right now is living like a king in a filtered, heated 5 gallon.

  4. NO!!!

    A goldfish is not even to be kept in a bowl!

  5. absolutely not. angelfish grow to be up to 6" in length, which is about 8" in height. they are tropical fish which need filters and heaters and they will die in a bowl after a few days. for angelfish, you need a bare minimum of 30 gallons.

  6. no that's way to small, way to small. 20 gallon or larger.

  7. No a bowl is not big enough. They will grow quickly and a small bowl will stunt their growth. You will need at least a 25 gallon long tank with a filter (they need a filter) for two angle fish if you plan on getting more in the future I would suggest getting something larger; perhaps a 55 Gallon.

    Best of luck

  8. Aglefish cannot be kept in a bowl, they will have stunted growth, which will end in tradegy and premature death.

  9. No its not ok to put ANY fish in a bowl especially if there is 2 of them. Sorry but you need to do some more research to find out everything about them. If you get them and put them in a bowl, they will be dead in a couple of days. But you could order a nice tank off of and for a cheap price.

  10. Angelfish grow pretty big. Better to buy a big tank especially if you want 2 of them. Something like 20 gallon or bigger. A goldfish bowl is too small.

  11. Absolutely not!  Angelfish grow to be the size of a large man's hand.  They should have not only a tank with at least 20 gallons, but a tall tank.  They also like to have lots of space to swim.  Try to picture a fish as big as your hand swimming around in a bowl!  It could barely move!  To be honest, the only fish that belongs in a bowl is a goldfish cracker!

  12. If you want to transport the fish home in a bowl that would probably work. If you are talking on keeping them long term, be sure to have at least 20 gallons and be sure the tank is cycled. Angelfish are not a good fish for a beginner, so if you have never had fish before you should probably start with something else_

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