
Is an IQ of 131 good for a 13 year old?

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I took the official MENSA IQ test and I got an IQ of 131. I was just wondering if this is good for a 13 year old?




  1. of course it is :-)

  2. Above 100 is above average and 160 is officially a genius. IQ does not change with age. The highest recorded IQ belonged to the German poet Goethe who had an IQ of 210.

  3. yes it is.very good.

  4. well done.

  5. On the old (e.g. Wechsler) scale you would be at (131-100)/15 = 2.06 standard deviations above average... So one out of every 51 people would be as smart as you or smarter.

    Mensa of course created the IQ inflation for marketing reasons! So on their newer and more popular Mensa scale you took you are at (131-100)/24 = 1.29 standard deviations above average... So slightly less than one out of every 9 people are as smart as you or smarter.

    My take is that you shouldn't get too excited as people who are brighter than you are quite common, but at least you are far from stupid... One out of every 9 people are as smart as you or smarter doesn't sound that great but 8 out of 9 are less smart than you does!

    P.S. Don't be too disappointed you are not an official genius:-

    "Genius is one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration"

  6. That's amazing for a 13 year old, considering the fact that most kids your age don't know the difference between they're, their, and there..

  7. IQ doesn't change with age.

    It's okay. But a high IQ alone will get you absolutely nowhere, and often it's a more of a disadvantage.

    Just so you know :-)

  8. An IQ test is not based on age, and therefore that 131 score is only measured at the intelligence level of the age of the child. In regards to the score, a IQ score of 130+ is supposed to denote a genius, whilst 140+ is regarded as "MENSA" standard. Since the national average IQ score is 90-110, a 131 score is very good for anyone at any age

  9. pathetic i just turned 13 and my iq is 142

  10. Yes that is good.

    As you will know by now you need 158 to be a MENSA member.

    Your age doesn't really come into it, you will find that you are always going to be around the 130 mark.

    Average is 100 so you are above average

  11. 131 is good for any age (well, it's above average), but remember that the IQ result is based on your age.  If a 30 year old did the same test and got all of the same answers, their IQ wouldn't be as high...

  12. h**l yes <3 smarty pants <3 8]

  13. It is very good as you really are probably aware.

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