
Is an Imam or Qazi compulsory to conduct marriage?Can women conduct marriage?

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Pls tell me Islamic procedure for marriage?

Please help.Is women(bride) literally involved.Or is her Wali represent her by signign contract.

Anybody aware of how marriage contracts in India works?

Please help..Salam and thanks




  1. dear I don't know about india but the right to give hand for a girls to the bridegroom is the right of the father unless he give the right to imam or qazi and if found that the father is no longer or passed away the right inherited by the eldest son of the same father then it goes to the uncle or so consult your religious department

  2. Yes,Qazi is important to conduct the marriage. a woman cannot conduct the marriage.  Wali should be present and today, girl herself sings on her marriage contract, like Nikah Namah. According to the majority of Muslim scholars, a woman has no right to marry herself and if she does this, her marriage is invalid. al-Qurtubi  said:  'This verse gives an evidence that there is no valid marriage without a guardian' .

    Allah Says: {… Wed them with the permission of their own folk (guardians, Auliyâ' or masters) …} [4: 25].

    He also Says: {And marry those among you who are single (i.e. a man who has no wife and the woman who has no husband) …} [24: 32].

    Thus, Allah addresses only men.

    brother Ismail Eliat may  help you better because he is from India. so wait for him or email him :) ~!

    No, her father cannot conduct a marriage because he will be the wali of his daughter. then there would be a need of witnesses and then a qazi, who will read the holy verses, who will keep a record with him of this marriage been legal and you know legal procedures will take place.

  3. Yes,Qazi is important to conduct the marriage. a woman cannot conduct the marriage. Wali should be present , girl herself sings on her marriage contract, in Nikah nama

  4. The condtions of the marriage are:

    1.  The groom must propose

    2.  The bride must accept

    3.  The guardian must approve

    4.  Two witnesses must bear testimony of the fact

    5.  The Qazi or judge must preside

    Forget about signing papers or stuff.  As long as you said 'yes' or shook your head shyly while your cheeks turned beet red, then your marriage is valid :p

  5. The solemnization of the marriage in a mosque/by qadhi is meant to be something that helps the lady — whether a Muslim or non-Muslim — to seek the assistance of an authority in case something emerges in the future.

    In Islam a woman is a completely independent personality. She can make any contract or bequest in her own name. She is entitled to inherit in her position as mother, as wife, as sister and as daughter. She has perfect liberty to choose her husband.

    The Islamic marriage is considered valid immaterial whether it is recorded in any written format, computer word processing, dbase or otherwise in any form of register or whether it is purely solemnized verbally without any written documentation. However, the need for a written record with essential personal identification is a legal expedient necessity and an obligation that needs compliance for civil records and to protect the marital rights and obligations of both spouses.

    Majority of scholars says a marriage without wali is invalid

    The most fundamental question when choosing a partner is a religious one.Generally speaking, a valid marriage has to meet certain requirements such as announcement, the payment of the dower, the consent of both parties, the permission of the wali (woman's guardian) if the she is younger, and the presence of witnesses.  

    "If any woman marries without the permission of her guardian, then her marriage is void, then her marriage is void, then her marriage is void." (Reported by Abu Dawud & others and classed as sahih)

    muslim marriage in kerala

    The families of bride and br goom discusses the matters and finding each suitable,fixes a date for nikah.

    on the day of nikah the qadhi ( imam of local masjid and all invitees participate in function.)

    Qadhi will solemnize nikah and a qutba done in malayalam or in arabic.

    the event will be registered in the masjid record. so that in future for legal document a certificate from masjid is valid

    New law is introduced that all marriages should be registered with govt marriage registrar office,the certificate issued by govt is only valid. but not implemented due to opposition from minorities(muslim christian).

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