
Is an Indian student in the Europe allowed to have a European Union Visa?

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I am Indian plannig to move to UK from India for my higher education. Can any one tell me whether there is any chance of getting European Visa as I've got my family members in Holland. Is there any chance that I can visit Holland. I heard that there is a VISA called European Union Visa but I don't know much details abt that& iI think it may be applicable to only European citizens. So, can any one help me with this issue. I need this info very much. Though i ve trid in the Internet i was not satisfied with the Info i got & if any formalities r needed to acquire such tyoe of VISA pls suggest me so thatI can Leave to UK with all thos e preparations Thank u very much in advance




  1. There is no such thing as a European visa. Each country in the EU have there own migration laws. European here. Migration laws not the same in each European country. I don't know where you got that Information from about European visa.

  2. made a mistake earlier , i am sorry :

    Visa section


    All applications must be made in person. Postal applications cannot be accepted. Applications can be submitted at the visa section of the Netherlands Embassy in London or at a Netherlands consulate in your area.

    Click  here to check if you require a visa for the Netherlands. Be aware that you may still be refused entry at the Netherlands border if you do not meet all other admission requirements. A Visa is just ONE of the requirements for admission into the Netherlands.

    Your application should be lodged at least four weeks before your proposed journey is undertaken. However, applications for certain nationalities and holders of a Certificate of Identity may take longer. Holders of a Certificate of Identity with limited leave to remain in the United Kingdom are not recognized by the BENELUX (Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg) countries.

    Applications from persons who are not resident in the United Kingdom are likely to be subject to a delay of 1-3 months.

    For more detailed information please contact the visa section between 3pm and 4.30 pm

    go to this page to read about visa :

  3. Your visa is only for UK.  Thus, you have to apply for the EU visa to visit Holland.

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