
Is an XBox 360 really better than a PlayStation3?

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Is an XBox 360 really better than a PlayStation3?




  1. no way ps3 is much better than xbox 360. ps3 is using blue ray disc systems so i would buy ps3 than xbox 360.

  2. I agree with Zien, but you may get more answers if you post in the Video Game section, or better yet, do a search for resolved questions on this topic, it's been asked hundreds of times.

  3. hardware wise it's not better.  until now the 360 had a lot more games which made it a better buy since you could play a lot more stuff on it as opposed to the ps3.  but this year there are a lot of good games coming out for the ps3 which make it better.

  4. As a gaming system the 360 wins hands down.  Yes PS3 has free online gaming but if you use it you will see why it is free.  If I had a service like that and I charged money I would feel bad.  Xbox live is worth the $50 per year to play online.  I bought a PS3 on ebay only because I got it super cheap.  All I use it for is watching movies.  One thing that really bothers me about the PS3 is that currently their controllers don't have force feedback.

  5. Nope the ps3 has FREE online play and good exclusive games are coming out sooner or later!!!

  6. In my opinion, yes.  Here is why:

    -Much greater game selection.  Few studios are making ps3 specific games due to sony's impossibly difficult programming language and the simplicity of MS's.  

    -Much better online gaming community, one thing that pay to play online does, aside from allowing for a more intuitive and involved community, is that it helps filter the riff raff and children.  This isn't always the case, but it certainly does help.

    -Much more comfortable and rumblicious controlling.  Sony was dragged into a law suit for copyright infringement on their rumble packs in their controls, they had to remove them prior to launch and pay fines.... microsoft, while guilty of the same infringement, never fought and settled immediately to provide the feature to its customers.

    -Cheaper system.  Bluray in the ps3 costs 125$ per unit JUST for that feature.  I don't know about you, but my game system isn't my movie player, it plays games... theres no reason to turn my car on and rev the engine so that I can plug in a movie, and theres no reason to fire up the HP if all I want to do is watch a movie, just my 2 cents.

    One thing to note is that sony basically gave up the console war for the format war and is pushing the ps3 as a media machine... thus the lack of attention as a gaming machine.  They want to do all things ok, but be great at nothing.  The 360 is just about the games... and from that standpoint alone, I prefer it leaps and bounds over the ps3.

  7. This is a subjective question.  We love our 360.  My wife plays as much, if not more, than I do.

    There are pluses and minuses to all the systems.  Don't forget the Wii.  Although the graphics aren't up to PS3/360 levels, it's the hottest commodity around.

    So, to answer your question - neither!

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