
Is an ant bite hurting normal?

by  |  earlier

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I've gotten bitten before but it's never hurt. Is it the kind of ant? It's littles and red and black if that helps...

It's swollen really bad, on the top of my foot.





  1. it probably depends on the type of ant bite. i know from personal experience that fire ant bites hurt and the site swells. putting rubbing alcohol on the site might help with the itching and pain. if it looks infected, you should probably have it checked out.  

  2. Well you probably got a Fire ant bite, its not big deal! it just hurts and it will probably itch tomorrow! but if it doesnt get better in like 3-4 days go get it checked out! help this helps! :)

  3. sometimes you can be bitten more than once, these bites can get infected. if the swollen area feels hot to touch i suggest you go to your local clinic as it may be infected, you will have a course of anti biotics

  4. the ant that bites and realy hurts is the red one... the normal ones( black ) even if they bite it doesen't hurt:)

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