
Is an apology letter okay in this situation?

by  |  earlier

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Recently, I really ticked off someone's dad in another state by calling several times. They called the cops, et cetera - the only thing done was they've done something with the line and I've been told never to call back.

I feel genuinely bad for how irrationally I acted that night, and I still have connections with this family's son that neither of us really wants to end.

Would an apology letter make things worse? I feel the need to apologize, but I don't know if I should do it via apology letter.




  1. If I were you, I would do NOTHING, leave these poor people alone and never ever contact them again for anything!  For you to have ticked off these folks to get the cops involved and have something added to their telephone line to protect them from you is pretty bad.  Think and reflect on what you have done and go do some volunteer work to repent.

    Let you never do the same thing twice.

  2. Yes, a sincere letter of apology is in order. They may not respond, but you will have done the right thing.

    Good luck!

  3. Here's the hard answer:

    You need to let it go.  It's time for you to stop being so selfish.  You talk about how bad  *you*  feel, about  *your*  actions, about how much  *you*  want to apologize...  If  *you*  are genuinely sorry, you need to stop putting your needs first (*your need* to apologize), and look beyond; you need to ask yourself what this family needs.

    This family has made their desires clear.  If you truly want to honor this family & their wishes, then do the selfless thing, and leave them alone, without another word, period.


    You will not be recognized for your actions, and there will be no "pat on the back".  The ability to accept this is a sign of maturity, and an act of total selflessness.  The only acknowlegement you will receive, of "doing the right thing", will have to come from within yourself, and the quiet, personal knowledge that you honored this family's wishes.

    In doing this, you will have "owned", or taken total responsibility, for your actions.  Owning your actions, while a difficult pill to swallow, is empowering.  It is from this place that personal growth occurs.  By owning our actions, we can then make different choices in the future.  When we don't own our actions, we remain a "victim" of them, and, as victims, we are never empowered to make changes.

    Best of luck, and, thanks for your post.

  4. Send flowers and a letter! Let them know it will never happen again. Ask for a response to let you know how they feel that way your not left guessing what happened after they received the letter.

  5. You should send the letter. I think that it will really show that you are genuinely sorry

  6. well i suggest you do it in a serious and manly fashion and matter, show him that you are really sorry for your actions and prove to him that you will not do it again , and a letter is a good idea i would suggest for it to sound like this

    Dear , Sir ( you don't have to right that , sorry i don't know the mans name)

    i am extremely sorry for my foolish actions the other night , i ask for your your deepest forgivness it was rude and unkind the way i called you without giving you your peace , i can not actually put it in words the way i acted i am very dissapointed at the way i foolishly brought up our situation last night , again i apologize greatly and ask for your forgivness

    Sincerely : Your Name

    make your letter look somthing like that , i bet the man will take the time to read it and forgive you , but remeber give him his time and inturn it will come back !

    good luck !

  7. Sure, let them know you're not as insensitive as you were, and you are  sincerely sorry.

  8. send the letter it wouldn't hurt

  9. I would say yes to a letter. I would not however make it sound contrived. Be sincere. I do not know if this this gentleman knows you personally or through your friends description or not at all but don't try to sound Hallmark. Speak with respect and regret for your actions in a way that would come from you. Let him know that such behavior is unacceptable to you as well and you are disappointed in yourself and assure him that nothing like that will happen again.

    You can only let him sit on that and hopefully time and your heartfelt will heal this.

    Good Luck..we all make mistakes. Don't beat yourself too bad.

  10. In this case, I don't have all the details. However, it sounds like you were in a relationship where the person didn't want to be bothered and you disrupted their household. Knowing all of that, you should get quiet and reflect. I would not write a letter because the phone contact was a flop, which means they don't want to hear from you, whether it's negative or positive. From a legal standpoint, they could possibly use this letter against you(apology or no apology). I would suggest taking a Yoga class and positive affirmations.

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