
Is an attraction to people of the opposite race a refractory evolutionary trait?

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Does anyone think this makes sense? I figure that due to subjective stimuli, some people (myself) have developed a tendency to not be attracted to those within my own race.




  1. Yes and no. I could argue both ways. Since people are different due to geogepahy and evolution, then they might be stronger then me in certain aspects therefore primal instricts would make me more attracted to the person who has my weaknesses as their strengths. For example I can not stand the cold at all but I find it attractive when I meet someone from a cold climate to can. However I would also be attracted to someone of my own race because then our off spring would be able to survive better in the climate that we are in. And if it weren't for globalization that would be whoever is the same race as you because they are strong in the areas I am to survive in the the conditions we would be living. Biologically speaking I understand your question completly.

    I think all races are just as strong for the record so I hope I don't sound racists. And I've been attracted and or have liked people of every race.

    Phycologically, I don't think you can seperate that from biology. I'm attracted to my oppsites. It's refractitory. However it's also biology in that I will look for their strengths were I am weak as I said above.

  2. There's no such thing as an opposite race. Your question makes no sense to me.

  3. This is psychology, not evolution.  Evolution (biology) doesn't care who you are attracted to as long as you increase the gene pool.

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