
Is an average sized p***s unexciting and boring to a girl?

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lets say its average both in girth and length.

is that boring to her? when she sees it for the first time will she be excited or more of an "eh nothing special" type of attitute?




  1. Honestly?  If you're average, dude you're average, which means she's probably not been used to seeing anything smaller or bigger, which means she probably won't think twice about it.  

    As one of the aboves said, what do you have other than your d**k to define what you are, particularly in bed.

  2. Well, this depends on two things....

    a) who she has been hanging out with previously, hence, what she has become accustomeed to

    b) what else you do besides wave your d**k around.

  3. give girls some credit.

    do you really think they are that bothered? if they like a guy enough to want to have s*x with them, they won't be concerned how big his p***s is.


  4. girlz luv little p***s

  5. It depends entirely on how you use it. Don't worry about anything else.  

  6. Nah.. Just as long as you know how to use it.

  7. As a general rule, we're not excited about ANY p***s unless it's attached to a guy we're interested in in the first place.  If it's average in size, it will get the job done and if it belongs to a boyfriend/husband, we learn to appreciate a lot of different things about it.

  8. It shouldn't be. I do not like much above average. I guess if she had a large v****a she would prefer a large p***s but generally, I don't think women prefer much more than average. It's painful if it's too big.

  9. well if shes in lov with u she will love it

  10. Size is not everything. Its how you use it that matters. Remember, the sensitive area among females is that around the clitoris. If you know to stimulate  the area, then you  are ok!

    Sexual satisfaction among females is not as simple as in males. Even foreplay is important. If you get her right during foreplay, the act of penetration is secondary-- regardless of your size.

    Not all women like big penises. In fact some would not like it at all. It could be painful to them.

  11. If shes a total s**t she might but no woman really cares as long as you can make her happy with it!  Don't worry about it.

  12. Your p***s itself might not be something to brag about... but... what you DO with it may indeed be!  Worry less about what she thinks about how it looks, and spend time thinking about and learning how to please her, and all will be great!

  13. well that depends if she is a virgin, if she's never seen another man naked before, if it is her first time seeing one depends on the can't really just focus on just one.

    and i agree with the awesome girl above me.

  14. I don't think most girls would be bored by could it be boring? It's just...normal. Bigger would probably hurt most girls. Some girls are into the big thing though. Your average girl wouldn't care about an average p***s though.


  15. Its not how big it is, its what you do with it.

    Although having bigger size gives an advantage, but the main thing is how you have s*x.


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