
Is an ebay seller supposed to give a refund for a lost item if the buyer did not but insurance?

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I am the seller. The buyer has filed a dispute with Paypal. My ad clearly states no refunds without insurance. Is Paypal going to take my money and give it to the buyer for the Post Office's error?




  1. Depends.  How was the item paid through PayPal?  Account balance, e-check, or credit card?

    If it was an account balance and you have proof of mailing (you actually need to have purchased "delivery confirmation" or some other type of proof of mailing that can be checked online), then no.

    If it was through an e-check or credit card, if PayPal doesn't rule in your favor, then the buyer has the option of disputing the charge with the credit card company and probably can dispute the e-check with his/her bank, saying it was for the purchase of an item that was never received.  If that's the case and they do that, then PayPal will probably deduct the money out of your account (since it will be a charge back).

    If it has been 30 days since the item was mailed, you can file some paperwork with the post office regarding lost or rifled items.  They have a specific form.  Check with USPS on their website for the proper form.

    USPS website:

    Finally, are you a verified, premier member?  They have other protections there.  Plus, eBay has a buyer protection policy too (I think).

  2. No, Paypal will let you have the money as long as you have proof that the package was sent.  Proof can be supplied by the post office.

  3. I'm not sure how Paypal will resolve this, but you shouldn't be under any obligation to issue a refund.  OTOH, for a better feedback rating, you might want to take the loss.  

    It makes sense to have tracking or Delivery Confirmation on your packages.  If you use the PO, delivery confirmation is free if you print your label online.

  4. As long as you stipulate you are not responsible for lost items after shipping, and the buyer ignores insurance, you are not liable or responsible. All you can do is your best.

  5. nope, if they didn't purchase insurance, then it's not your problem. You did your part, you shipped the item...

  6. I always thought that was the point of insurance, so if the buyer didn't purchase it, too bad i guess.  As long as you have proof that the package was in fact sent.

  7. There is nothing you can do if you are sure it was sent. You can lodge a complaint with E Bay, but it depends on the persons feedback. Always look at that before you buy anything. If it has a lot of complaints do not buy.

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