
Is an electron made up from smaller units of subastomic particles?

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Is an electron made up from smaller units of subastomic particles?




  1. According to generally accepted current understanding, the answer is "No."

    You might be careful with your terminology. From one standpoint, subatomic particles would be considered the basic parts of an atom: the proton, neutron, and electron.

    A quark is a type of fundamental particle.  Protons and neutrons are composed of quarks. We believe that there are six different quarks: up, down, charm, strange, top, and bottom.

    There also seem to be six different leptons: electron neutrino, electron, muon neutrino, muon, tau neutrino, and tau.

    The six leptons and the six quarks are collectively called fermions (named after Enrico Fermi). The fermions are considered the fundamental constituents of matter.

    In summary, an electron is a fermion, more specifically a lepton, and most specifically a fundamental particle with spin 1/2, mass of 0.000511 GeV/c^2, and electric charge -1. It is one of the twelve fundamental particles of which matter is made.

  2. No it is a point with a negative charge.

  3. An atom is made up of subatomic particles. Although the Proton, Neutron and Electron have been considered the fundamental particles of an atom, recent discoveries from experiments with atomic accelerators have shown that there are actually 12 subatomic particles. They are divided into two classes, consisting of Leptons and Quarks. The proton and neutron are no longer considered fundamental particles in this subatomic classification but are actually made up of smaller subatomic particles.

    The  Electron remains a fundamental particle, as it was in the original Atomic Theory. It has an electrical charge of (-1) and plays an active role in chemical reactions.


    According to subatomic Theory, the fundamental particles now consist of 6 Lepton particles and 6 Quark particles. Other particles are made up of combination of Quarks. An Electron is still a fundamental particle, but Protons and Neutrons are combinations of Quarks.

  4. Yes they are called Quarks and make up the Electron itself

  5. Nope... electrons are considered an elementary particle (there is no known substructure).  Neutrons and protons are made of quarks, but we haven't been able to split up an electron yet.

    The link supplied by the poster above contains wrong information :(.

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