
Is an ipod an acceptable gift for a 12 year old, or is 12 too young?

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Is an ipod an acceptable gift for a 12 year old, or is 12 too young?




  1. An iPod makes a great gift for any age since all ages love music! Just make sure you get a nice sturdy case for it as well.. ;)

  2. I think 12 is a fine age.

    I bought one for my little cousin for his christmas box, a little thin lime green nano and he was 7 at the time, is 8 now.



  3. personally i dont like it but soo many young kids have them so...

  4. I expect you will get a lot of answers that it's fine, but I don't agree with buying expensive electronics for children not capable of properly caring for them.  A $40 mp3 player for bday/christmas, maybe.  A $200 i-pod, not a chance.  All the time we hear about kids 8-13 with expensive cell phones, video game systems, tv's, dvd players, i-pods, etc... and they get broken/stolen/lost, because the kids were irresponsible with them.

    I say it's too young, or it needs to be something much cheaper and more basic to start with.  That's just my opinion.


  6. Its a GREAT gift

  7. It's a great gift!!!!!

  8. personally i think it is ok if the kid is responsible not to loose it and has earnt the gift through good behaviour over a period of time etc...

      i would make sure that the ipod stays at home at all times so that it is not stolen / lost at school.

  9. An IPod is a perfect gift for a twelve year old.  I got my 12 year old an MP3 player (to keep her away from my IPod), If you don't want to listen to that c**p that they call music blasting in their room, I suggest you get them one, but please listen to it sometime to find out what they are listening to, you still need to monitor and sensor the music that they listen to...

  10. it is a good gife for a 12 year old

  11. Yes, an ipod is a perfect gift for a 12 year old.  I am 11 and i personally love listening to my ipod.

  12. yeah.

    that's like the perfect age.

  13. Thats perfect. Unless you want to get her a cell phone which would be even better

    But I got my Ipod at 12, Thats  a great gift

  14. nowadays an ipod is fine for a 12 yr. old. i know a 10 yr. old who has one.

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