
Is an iq score of of 128 good for a 14 year old?

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i went to "free-iq" and i took the test and it said i had a score of 128. i also went to ticklebrain .com and it was around the same score.




  1. An I.Q of 128 is above the 90th percentile

  2. it means you pick up things slightly faster than the average human being age isn't really significant, remember though most of these free iq test have a error of 15points either way.

  3. WOW. i am tired of people saying oh im a 14, 13, 12 , 11, year old! AGE DOESNT MATTER! the formula for IQ that i learned in pyschcology class is mental age divided by real age(in your case is 14)=IQ.  

    second, tickle is so unreliable.....try MENSA IQ tests

    third,, IQ of 128 is actually pretty good

  4. IQ tests were set up to have a starting score of 100, meaning that should be the average.  Currently the average IQ of American's is 98.  Also, you should know that IQ test results become less and less accurate as someone gets older, but unless you suffer a brain injury, your IQ will not change throughout your lifetime.  Here is a chart that shows what percentile you are in depending on what your IQ score is:

    Intelligence Classification

    1-19 Profound Mental Retardation

    20–34 Severe Mental Retardation

    35–49 Moderate Mental Retardation

    50–69 Mild Mental Retardation

    70–79 Borderline Mental Retardation

    80-114 Average Intelligence

    115-129 Bright

    130-144 Moderately Gifted

    145-159 Highly Gifted

    160-175 Exceptionally Gifted

    Over 175 Profoundly Gifted

    Also, IQ stands for Intelligence quotient.

  5. umm, the iq test is easy as h**l. you did good for being 14 yrs old, but dont put too much emphasis on it. people can get 150's and turn our to be dumbasses in anything but the most basic math (which theyre really good at for some reason)

  6. Start filling out McDonalds applications now and get used to disappointment in life.

  7. thats amazing!

    you must be gifted

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