
Is an lg vu ok for a 15 year old going on 16???

by  |  earlier

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and im buying it with my money so im not spoiled i always buy my phone so chill out with the spoiled stuff




  1. no probably not the LG Vu is more of an adult phone for buisness email that stuff another phone that would be good for texting and calls that kind of dtuff is the LG Env2 for Verizon

  2. not unless you want a spoiled brat.

  3. well of course he/she would be crazy excited. i am 15 going on 16, and i have an LG chocolate 2  

  4. i know a 12 year old that has one. but yes. its a perfect phone. tons of people that are 10 have iphone's so its a perfect phone for you!

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