
Is an libra and an aquarius a good love match?

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Is an libra and an aquarius a good love match?




  1. It really depends.

    Even if people are a certain sign.. they might change their ways because they are influenced by others.


    I am an Aquarius and i dated a Libra for 1 yr and 6 monthss. =]

    It was a good love match for a while; but everyone has their ups & downs..

    We were very much in common. That was sometimes a problem.


  2. The best of the air signs I think.A very good one.

  3. My first thought was that I had spent 43 years with my Aquarius, worked out great for us. But then I reconsidered.

    Libra needs  a partner, a half to complete her.  She  needs romance.  She needs to feel as though she matters.  Libra's children are very important. Libra views them as extensions of  love, as adorable, amusing, perfect little people. She likes to have parties, to entertain. But she also likes romantic dinners for two, little surprises, a flower once in a while.

    Aquarius is a loner. He can hardly remember to change his shirt, much less anniversaries, birthdays, Christmas, all that nonsense.  He wants a soul mate, but one that will leave him alone while he's working (or playing). Once he's said I LOVE YOU (which takes a very long time) , he really doesn't see why he has to say it over and over. He knows his love is beautiful. She knows she's beautiful. So why does he have to waste time telling her?  Children equal rugrats that make a lot of noise when hes trying to think. Entertain. Right. Spend money for no good reason.  He loves the world. He'll do anything for a friend or neighbor. So who has time to buy flowers and why would anyone want gifts of dead things anyway?

    Moons and/or rising signs would make the difference here. Either Aquarius needs  planets that will help make him more protective, passionate, more attentive or Libra needs something to help her be more independent, less demanding.  

  4. Yes, could be.. but look at the rest of birth chart of You and Your partner...

  5. The Best! Or so I hear..


       Both of these signs are attracted to unusual people, excitement, and loads of activity and socializing which made it a better than even chance that they would meet and fall in love.  And should Aquarius go rushing off at ungodly hours to help out a friend in trouble, Libra will not only understand but will probably go along.  If Aquarius brings a down and out stranger home for the night then Libra will make up the spare room with no questions asked.

       While there are some aspects of their personalities that will irritate the other they will find it easier than most signs to compromise. The opinions of others mean very little to Aquarius he/she cannot understand how Libra can be wounded by a cruel remark from someone else and will possibly feel that Libra is being over sensitive.

       In the past s*x may not have meant a lot to Aquarius but with Libra all that can change radically as Libra is an impulsive lover and he/she could show Aquarius the joys of being spontaneous.  A very good relationship that is likely to last.   A match made in Heaven.

  6. Yes Libra and Aquarius are a very good love match and they are very compatible for each other.

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