
Is an on line course just as good as going to college?i?

by Guest32242  |  earlier

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I just wanted to know what the difference was between doing an on line beauty course com paired to doing a beauty course in college.They are both diploma's and are year long.Please help me out as I'm considering the on line!




  1. The major difference between an online course and being in an actual school is the EXPERIENCE. A school offers a real-life, hands-on, real-time learning. You have the opportunity to ask your teachers for questions, learn from your classmates who came from various backgrounds, and actually do the activity.  You make mistakes, and you are corrected.

    An online course allows you flexibility in terms of hours, when you study;. It's convenient, you can study while in your pajamas. However, it lacks the experience, i've mentioned above of a real school.  You don't know if you're doing it right or not.  

    For the course your'e considering, my opinion is essentially better to learn with hands-on activity, I'd rather take the course in an actual beauty school.

    Good Luck.

  2. going to college


    -you make new friends and meet new people

    - you get the hands-on experience that you'd normally wouldn't get with an online course

    - you get help and assistance during your studies; if you are stuck, they can talk to you face to face and tell you how to go about it

    - its much more formal and feels like you are in an environment where you can concerntrate and learn

    -unlike an online course where you can easily be distracted, at college being surrounded by supportive students and tutors means you are fully focused on learning and that you are motivated to learn

    -if you pay for the course, but don't attend, you don't pay any extra fees. although if you decide to enrol on the same course, you'd have to go through the enrolement procedure all over again


    - travelling to and from college can be a burden on some students



    - no need to attend classes

    - you can study in your own time at home


    - lack of actual support on the course

    - e-learning is not as effective as traditional learning

    - tutors don't actually tell you how to do things verbally, other than through writing

    -sometimes you have to wait for a considerable time for feedback on your work, once you've emailed it to them

    - you don't make any friends or get to meet any people; therefore you feel slightly more isolated, especially when you don't understand something and nobody is there on hand to help and support you

    - even when you are in the middle of your work, although it is good to take a breather and rest every couple of minutes, you can easily be put off by it straight away

    - if you fail the course, you might be charged extra and in some cases you may be forced to retake the course as well

    personally speaking i'd choose the college option. i am doing an online course so to speak right now and frankly speaking, i feel as if it is not as effective as going to college and studying

  3. Benefits of an online course:

    It's easier and more convenient, time-wise.

    Benefits of going to college:

    You get a hands-on experience (I think that's probably important in a beauty course - you can actually practice stuff).

    You get to make lots of friends.

    You get out of the house!

    And lots more besides.

    I would recommend going to college, but it's ultimately up to you.

  4. there's alot more work on your own, classmates and profs are harder to get ahold of and interact w/, you may learn the theory but chances are you wont be as versed in the hands-on training, if you can, go w/ the real college

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