
Is anbody else homeschooled out there??

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Is anbody else homeschooled out there??




  1. I am going to answer both of your questions here.

    Both of my children are home schooled and love it. My oldest is 15 and also takes a class as well as does sports at the local High school. She is also involved in C.A.P. as well as in leadership positions in her youth group at church. We are all involved with a great home school co op. There are also dance classes, swimming, volunteer work ect. We are a very busy home school family.

    There are a lot of kids that are home schooled. You will find you have more time to pursue your own interests and make friends with many types and ages of people. You are not confined any longer to a room for 8 or more hours segregated into same aged kids. Have a great time!

  2. Yes.

    I'm 14 (15 next month. I'd invite you to my birthday bash but...) and, apart from a very brief flirtation with school in primary 3, I've always been home educated.

  3. Yes, I am a  homeschooled Christian .I used to go to public, but it was dirty, and filthy. pregnate girls, innoproate music, and a whole lot of other things. I'm glad i can be homeschooled.

  4. I have from 2nd to 5th grade and now I am in 8th grade and I am going back to it. Middle school SUCKS. I may go back to high school though next year.

  5. i am! high five, eh? just curious, why do you ask? feeling the not-going-to-school blues? well, i gotta tell you this, my friends, (that are in public school) HATE IT. they tell me how lucky i am all the time. i like it honestly, because right now, all my friends are in school, or as they call it, h**l, and i'm in the comfort of my own home :D

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