
Is angels eyes or angels glow safe for dog tear stains? what is tylosin tartrate?

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I live in the Uk and heard about these products for getting rid of the red stains but have read that they are not allowed (and another called clear tears). Why is this? Are they really safe or not? What else can I use?

Ozzy looks awful but I dont wanna use something that might make him sick!!!!!

Thanks for answering




  1. What red stains? Is your dog bleeding from the eyes? If it's just tears, wipe with a damp cloth.

  2. you shouldn't use angle eyes for a dog that doesn't have eye problems because there's medicine in it that will harm the dog if he or she doesn't need it.  just use water and a dog fine come and brush the stains out. call a vet too.

  3. Neither Angels Eyes or Angels Glow has ever actually been legal in the UK (or most of the world outside of north America). They were available until the begining of the year until DEFRA clammed down on the sales of them.

    They are illegal because they contain an antibiotic called tylosin. Tylosin has never been officially been approved for use as a tear stain remover in dogs or cats (anywhere in the world).

    In America it is legal because of differing definitions. Because it does not alter the dog's physical state it is not classified as medication and is sold as a cosmetic over the counter product. Most other countries see it as an unapproved (hence illegal) medication.

    Although not offically approved as a tera stain remover some UK vets might prescribe it (tylosin rather than Angels glow or Eyes), most wont though.

    I am aware of at least one natural tear stain remover that you can legally use which works very well. It is called Angels Delight tear stain remover and you can get it from Bichon Hotel.

    They do a paste that you put on the stains and a powder that you mix in with the food. I used to use Angels Eyes but now prefer Angels Delight. They both work as well as each other but Angels Delight is actually good for your dog's overall health. Short term use of Angels Eyes and Angels Glow is ok but I don't know about long term, nobody really does...

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