
Is animal abuse a precursor of domestic abuse?

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My husband gets very aggressive with our dog and cat when they misbehave. I am concerned that this may be a sign of future domestic abuse. Also my children are also starting to be mean to the animals (pushing them off the couch, yelling at them).

Is this true? Is this a sign he may lose his temper on me or the kids?




  1. It doesn't matter what it's a precursor of. He's already abusing helpless animals and your kids, by teaching them to be cruel and heartless. What are you going to do?

  2. Its a sign of being a serial killer...animal abuse and torture.

  3. he will abuse you and the kids just like the pets. the abuse stems from his own insecurites so he shouts and hits so he does not have to hear anyone tell him what he already knows: that he is a failure and an a*****e. He will hit you and he will hit the kids or at the very least severly emotionally abuse you.

    if you marry him after you KNOW that he beats animals you have consciously chosen to be beaten which makes you a born victim. Worse, it subjects your kids to violence because you have chosen to be a victim.

    Good luck.

    My bet is if you do not leave him you are probably a low achiever and a little dumpy and have low self esteem issues also. Now you will procreate and give those gifts to your progeny. Give my best to jerry Springer.

  4. Hmmm not really but they shouldn't be mean to the animals its not fair on them, but it depends why he goes mad at them

  5. Will it might be abuse to the animals,but why not take them to training classes if there doing something to make you'll upset instead of hitting them. This could cause them to bite one of you are the children. Tell your husband that he is teaching the kids something you do not approve of,and you want him too stop. Tell him that he may need some anger management classes himself,and it sounds like you'll could use some family counseling as well. Good Luck with everything,I'll keep you in my prayers.

  6. If the police found out he could be arrested for animal cruelty.

  7. Yes it is a sign.

  8. well it doesn't make it right some people don't give animals the same respect and I would tell him don't do that you are teaching the kids to be mean to the animals and make him listen as long as he isn't hitting you or any other signs i wouldn't worry for now but put your foot down when he is  hurting these animals and tell the kids not to do this

  9. Yes it is.

  10. If you cant look after your pets rehome them, dont make their lives a misery. You need to teach your kids its wrong to treat them badly. As for your husband, yeah it does sound like its a sign of things to come, he obviously likes to be in control as animals havent much say over stuff, get rid of him before he puts your kids in danger.

  11. not  but he should understand that his children will copy his behavior

    as his wife you should point out his conduct and it's affect on the children

  12. yes. it's a sign of anger problems which is often a sign of abusing or killing people. most serial killers were animal torturers.

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