
Is animal liver and giblets ok for a cat to consume?

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also, when I open the can I find water and some white little things in it. I check the expiry dates and it is not expired yet/will be soon. What are these things?




  1. Yes - they're very good for them.  Here's a recipe I use to make a chicken heart and liver stew for mine:

    - one package chicken hearts

    - one package chicken livers

    Simmer meat in a little water until cooked through.  

    Pour cooked meat and water into a blender - pouring out a little bit of the cooking liquid into a glass so you don't end up overflowing the blender when you turn it on (I did this once - pretty gross to wear this stuff LOL).  Blend till meat is well chopped up.  Add back a little bit of the cooking liquid if needed till it's the consistency of a thick soup.

    Pour the soup into two ice cube trays and freeze.  

    To serve, just pop out a couple of cubes and microwave on low until melted and just SLIGHTLY warm (check with your finger).

    Edit: not sure about the "little white things" in the food as I'm not sure which food you're giving them.  Some canned foods contain rice - so hopefully that's what you're seeing.  That or little bits of fat which turns white once it cools.  Otherwise I'd be a bit concerned.

  2. Yes.  What do you think is in canned cat food?  I always give mine the giblets when I purchase a whole chicken.  I also feed them beef liver which they seem to enjoy the most of all the different things that I give them.

  3. Yes ,it wont hurt them,just cook them first.

  4. yes, cats can digest that fine. it's just bird, something they would kill and eat in the wild. so let your kitty feast away!

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