
Is animals right is a clear contridication with the cycle of life ?

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I remember reading an article about a Hindu man. He was a strict vegan and loved all animals. Where ever he went to walk he took the long route he refused to walk on grass or any plant life. He also cared deeply about animals that are why he was vegan. He felt so guilty at himself that each time he ate a meal he would cut off one of his limbs and asked some god for forgiveness because he considered eating a plant as taking a life so he sacrificed one of his limbs to some god for forgiveness. I'm sorry, but no animals life has as much importance or relevance as that of a human. For one to think that an animal’s life is just as important as his own is absurd. Can anyone possibly believe that the life of a pig, cow, or chicken can even compare to the life of a human being?” believe my goal of simply reducing animal suffering to a minimum, is simply more realistic than that of abolishing . You feel so strongly about animals , even animals that you have never even seen or heared that every hurt inflicted on them is inflicted on you as well. And that is a shame if your house is burning are you going to try to save your pets before your kids? I can consider some one like me being vegetarian and eventually vegan this is because of health reasons. And people who become vegans for animal rights I don’t consider this a diet I consider it a religion. You act as if animals are your lords. And for you to have the edacity to call me a jerk and consider me a killer its just not rational. And I am deeply offended and will express my feelings on this subject . I'm all for kindness to animals, but to value their lives equally to humans is a bit absurd. I mean where would the argment end? Would you say a pig had the same value as a human? How about a pidgeon? Or a rat? Or an invertebrate? The entire world's balance is based on the "food chain." For instance, those cute little bunnies don't exist to eat grass...they exist to provide sustenance to something higher in the food chain...and so it goes throughout the animal kindom. Nature provides for that balance by making it possible for animals lower in the food chain to procreate at much higher rates than those higher up in the food chain. That way they can fulfill their purpose in food...yet still perpetuate their species. whats wrong with wearing leather from animal? Do you not know fake leathers release cancer causing toxins in which seriously harms humans and animals . In fact in the long run fake leathers do more harm then authetic ones. What do you animal rights people have to say for this




  1. I say this in all kindness and sincerity. To me (and this is just my opinion and as I said it is in all kindness), it seems that at the moment it is not the people for animal rights that are attacking you verbally or otherwise, it seems that you are attacking them and their beliefs with this passage. I swear I do not mean this malicious or spiteful in any way, but if the offense is so great that you feel a need to attack the entire radical vegan community as a whole, my curiosity is piked as to what could have been done to you to incite such an angry reaction? I've found that trying to understand the actual people behind the ideas is generally a much better way to find criticism then to take an old story and break it into fact. As I have previously said, this is not an angry statement, just a suggestion.

  2. You say ” I'm sorry, but no animals life has as much importance or relevance as that of a human.”

    Like it or not we are an animal.  There is no escaping the reality that we have the very same needs and wants as the other animals.

    Yet to lay claim to superior animal we claim humans have some superior attributes that set us above the rest.   Yet when challenged we cant in fact demonstrate them in a scientific way.  

    Try it now.

    You will find it a very difficult task writing down just what is love and what is a soul.  No need to be distressed as I coincide its not possible to explain those.  

    Yet if these are what we say is missing from the other animals and are what sets us above them, how can we say they don’t have these when we don’t even know what they are?  

    To claim we have a soul and the animals don’t is like saying a person does not like a style of music yet we don’t know what that style of music is.  

    Some may say we can think and work things out.  

    Animals can do that.

    A good example is a bird in the UK who realised that dropping its nuts on the road and letting cars drive over them was the easy way to open them.  

    I say.

    I’m sorry but I think you are wrong.

    We are not above.  We are all interconnected in life.

    Don't think of it as a chain say for example the food chain.  

    Think of it as a food circle because in the end the worms get us for dinner. They turn us in to worm poo and it all starts again.    

    Hold on there.

    If its the worms who eat us does that not put them on the top of the food chain?  

    That means the worms are in fact GOD.

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