
Is antartica going to melt beause of the smoking?

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Is antartica going to melt beause of the smoking?




  1. no, its permafrost, aka ice that can NEVER MELT. it gets up to -127.5 F in antarctica, i'm POSITIVE some isn't going to make a difference.

  2. Parts of ice in Antarctica have already melted. In reference to the previous response, the melting of ice may very well raise sea levels, but the IPCC claims that the main reason for sea level rise is that as the global temperature goes up, water will expand since water expands with increasing temperature.

    Oh, and smoking cigarettes probably won't make the ice melt.

    Oh, and permafrost is named permafrost because it is at or below freezing (0 C, 32 F, 273.15 K) for 2 or more years. This doesn't mean it cannot melt, it just means that it hasn't melted any time in the recent past.

  3. Because of people smoking cigarettes?

    I think not...

  4. Excuse me...permafrost can melt, by the way. Also, even if the ice does melt, how are the oceans gonna work? I live right on the coast- if the ocean level rises even a little bit, my house is gonna be swamped. And by a little bit, I mean a foot or two.

    Sure, smoking as in cigarettes may not seem to cause a big problem, but long term, its a definite prob. And think about the smog (smoke and fog) that come from big cities like New York City, Chicago, Shanghai, and San Francisco. Can someone say global warming??

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