
Is anti presperant deoderant bad?

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Is anti presperant deoderant bad?




  1. Well, since it's supposed to reduce or prevent perspiration, I would like to think that it isn't all bad.

  2. It's bad for me, I am allergic to it and most deoderants.

  3. Most regular deodorants/anti perspirants contain aluminium, which has been linked to DNA damage, brain damage, and other issues.  Deodorants without aluminum are available, but usually don't work as well.  Read more at the link below

  4. only for the people that have to smell you when you don't put any on.

  5. if it is that bad then they would not be allowed to sell it. the only real exceptions to that rule is tobacco and alcohol, and they are only legal because its been that way for so long it cant be changed.

  6. It makes my boyfriend get boils under his arms so it can't be too good, for him that is. So he has to use a plain deoderant without an anti presperant.

    And just looking at some of these answers on here I need to edit and include the fact that Deodorant is what kills the bacteria that makes ones underarms stink, and anti perspirant is what stops one from sweating so much. It seems like most of the people who have answered this question do not know, or grasp that concept.

  7. uh no it keeps you from being ANTI PERSPERANT ... If no one can stand being around you ... that'd probably be why!

  8. No.  It is a very good thing.

  9. Anti-perspirant is unhealthy. Stick to using a plain deodorant. Your body releases water to cool the body temperature down when you are getting too hot. That is natural--that is what we're supposed to do.

  10. Check out.  There are lots of deodorants/anti perspirants there.

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