
Is any body have any thing on Globule warming ? the facts and what a simple men can do to prevent globale warm

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Globale warming is the biggest poblum today every boby is concess about it but very few talking that what can a simple citizion of earth can do for the safe guard.




  1. Stop breeding. There's nothing can be done to save the environment until we reduce the number of people on the planet.

  2. here is the real truth !

  3. Simple men must pollute and waste less and if is within their power stop increasing in numbers.

    Somebody said our problem is global filling.

  4. I warm my globules in the microwave.  If you want to stop me, you will have to cut off my power.

  5. Nothing. Man can't change temperatue. If they can... Tell them that i live in michigan and it is -4 right now can you tell them to turn the out side tempurature to about 65 cause i am cold.

  6. Here are some ideas to help: get a hybrid car, use less water,use fluorescent light bulbs, turn off t.v.s when your aren't using them, turn lights off when you leave a room even if it's for a few seconds,recycle,  and many more things. If every person did a little of this everyday then we could make a difference.

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